Chapter 4

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Hey everyone. It's me again. I managed to complete chapter four. I'd appreciate it if you'd give me some time with the next chapter as I've been having a hard time with my writing and confidence in general. I hope you enjoy this chapter.


“We can't just sit here and wait for Cody to show up. We need to go search for him!” Kade exclaimed in frustration.

Charlie sighed softly as Dani came up and placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Don't you think we've been trying, Kade?!” she spat. “Blades and I have been searching all night!”

“Please you two.. enough with the fighting..” Charlie suddenly spoke. He massaged his temples as his head pounded.

The two younger adults looked at him softly.

“I'm sorry dad…” Kade whispered.

“Yeah me too…” Dani said, looking down.

Charlie looked at them then sighed as he stood.

“No.. I'm the one who should apologise. I failed you all as a father.” he whispered, looking away from them.

“Dad!” Kade exclaimed, shocked by his father’s words.

“That’s not true!” Dani cried.

Charlie held up his hand, shaking his head as he left the kitchen. He took a deep breath as he traveled to the bunker. The rescue bots looked towards him.

“Hey, chief.” Heatwave greeted.

Charlie gave him a half-hearted smile as the others approached.

“Are you doing okay?”  Blades asked gently.

Charlie sighed softly.

“I’m trying to be.” he admitted. “I just want to find Cody..”

“Dad! Dad!” Graham suddenly shouted urgently, rushing to him. “There’s someone trying to contact us!”

“What..? Who?” his father replied.

“He says he’s from Eokrap..”

Charlie widened his eyes.


Haru’s eyes shot open as she gasped sharply, panting heavily and looking around frantically.

‘Haru, are you alright?’ Bumblebee asked in concern.

The girl gulped and looked at the radio. She nodded slowly.

“Y-yes… I-I was just a bit startled…” she whispered.

She looked to where Cody was, instantly frowning as she noticed he was no longer there.

“Bee, where is Cody?” she asked.

‘He said he was going to find something to eat.’ the yellow bot replied.

Haru widened her eyes.

“B-but he doesn't know this area!” she hurriedly unstrapped herself and bolted from Bumblebee.

The autobot quickly transformed into his bot mode. Haru gasped as a scream echoed, causing the girl to pause.

“Cody!” Haru cried, rushing towards the source of the cry.

Her amber eyes constricted as the boy was chased by giant robotic wasps. The blonde headed boy ran as fast as he could, panting as the cold wind hit his cheeks.

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