Harry Potter Fandom (Harry/Cedric)

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Okay...I recently read "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", and that one part, in the third task, stands out to me. Y'know, when Harry saves Cedric from the cruciatis curse? Because of Krum? No? Okay...


Harry's pov


Another champion down....I couldn't help but think as I heard Fleur scream.

Wanting to put as much distance between myself and whatever had attacked Fleur, I rushed along the hedges.

• • •

Scuffling of footsteps on the other side of the hedge.

"Wh-what...? Wait...what the hell d'you think you're doing?!" Cedric's panicked voice said, accompanied by a sound sort of like a grunt.

"Crucio!" Krum yel-WHAT?!?!?! Nonononononono...That...that's an inforgivable curse!! Krum can't want the cup that bad, can he?!

Cedric's screams filled the air, and I knew I just had to find a way in there; no way was I letting Cedric get tortured like that! Finding no path, I decided to make one through the hedge.

"Reducto!" and a small hole was blasted through the brambles. I squeezed through just as Krum turned around and started to run. "Stupify!" I shouted, and he was flat on the ground. I rushed over to Cedric, who wasn't moving...

"Cedric?" I poked his cheek. Nothing. "Don't be dead..." I mumbled, checking for a pulse. His heart was still beating, but he wasn't breathing. What am I supposed to do?! I don't know any reviving charms, if such a thing exists! I guess I could...

Cedric groaned and tried to sit up, but I held him gown gently. "Harry, I'm okay..."

"You just got hit full-blast by the Cruciatus Curse!" I said stubbornly, but allowed him to sit up.

"Still, I'm fine," Cedric forced a small smile. I wasn't buying it.


Suddenly, I was lying on the ground, with Cedric on top of me, grinning.

"This convince you?" He asked. I struggled to free myself, but his grip was too strong. I managed to nod out a "yes".

"Okay, I believe you...now how about letting me up?" I asked, blushing slightly at how close he was.

"I kind of like you right where you are, Harry..." Cedric said, leaning so close that his breath tickled my neck. I could feel the heat radiating from my cheeks.

"Ced-!!" I was cut off by lips on mine, (quite smooth ones, at that). Cedric held my arms down by my wrists so I wouldn't wiggle free.

What is he doing?!?! WHAT IS HAPPENING?!?!?!

He pulled away so both of us could breathe, and I struggled against his grasp.

"What was that?!" I demanded, trying to look stern. Cedric smirked slightly.

"What, you didn't like it?" He asked, playing with a strand of my hair.

"W-well...I...uh...." I flushed bright red again, too embarrassed to speak.

"You're blushing...how unusual for you..." Cedric said nonchalantly, bringing his face closer.

All of a sudden, Cedric began kissing me once more. I moaned as his tongue slid into my mouth and started exploring. His hands traveled lower and lower, until I moaned again when his thin fingers brushed over a certain spot...

"Enjoying this, Harry?" Cedric whispered with a slight smirk. This really shouldn't be happening...but dear god, this boy knows how to kiss...

He moved to kissing my neck, leaving me gasping and whimpering for several minutes.

"Cedriiiiiiic..." I moaned when he ran his tongue over some spot. He grinned and kept licking and nipping, making my moans louder and louder. Eventually he stopped, and started moving lower...

"Ce...Cedric..." I panted out, grabbing his hand.

He laughed lightly. "I won't be doing that, Harry...it's okay," He quickly unzipped my jeans, rubbing his hand up against me.

"Uh..." I moaned, feeling his hands all over me.

This might not be so bad...


Author's Note:

Is it just me, or does nobody else ship this?!?! C'MON, PEOPLE! THIS IS FUCKING GOLD!!!!

I apologize for anyone under twelve who reads this.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2014 ⏰

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