Episode 1 (The Demon Sword's Wielder)

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''Not long after the first few days of the new school year. There was a freshmen, skilled, mysterious, young man, who cared for everyone but himself...''

Are you the first-year Lyle?! I am the second-year Vol! Let's fight! ''Big student. ... ... Hmph! ''Lyle. Second-year Vol and first-year Lyle are gonna fight! ''Crowd. Shut up!... You're out of line, Pig bub!. He said it!/ That's not good!/ Do you know what they call Vol? He is the 10-ton Vol-plex. 10-ton?! That's heavy! ''Small guy. He is the Freshmen from Akahonoo Middle School, but he wrecked his class in just 3 days after his arrival, they call him the Blade Lyle, a skilled man!. Blade?! He sounds worse than that!. He's a crazy guy!.

Let's get this over with... It's already past our assembly ''Lyle. Whatever! Fight m-(Sword's Backside)*!!!"!!!!". When do the people of this school become graduates?... They're so easy to hit!.

Several minutes later at the rooftop

Not very long in a certain place, there was a very, very kind, cool and kind-hearted young man who respected everyone... the young man said: ''Everyone here is so horrid!'' ''Lyle. Hang on! ''Student. What?. Don't ''What'' me!... what part of you being kind would say that?...And what's up with that sword?!. Quiet down, Nito... I was getting there... ... ''I can't believe this is where my high school life leads to... Students here are so mean or have a bad attitude''... So the kind-hearted young man... punished the men who ambushed him... ... and down the river, a huge old man came-''. Okay, No!!... That's just far from making sense!... Do you think I'm stupid?... What's with the old man?. I dunno... he came floating and all that. There's never been an old man that just floats in a river!. Yeah!... True... but I was surprised at the event too... the others ran off as soon as they could... . Well, Duh!. ''But that young man didn't falter for a second, he pulled the old man ashore on his own... despite his overwhelming size... and then... here's the weird part... the man split in two and... ...From inside him, a Katana wrapped in red silk-''. LIAR!!!...LIAR!!!. And the young man said: ''Oh, wow! Look at the design of this sword. It's like none of this world.'' And the old man said: ''Can it be?!... The one who is destined to wield the Blade has been found!... I leave it in your hands... Transfer!!'' and he jumped back into the river... and I had no clue on what I should do... when I grabbed it... I felt a surge of power flow into me... That's how it is. That's enough! How can anyone believe that?!... Whatever, just take it back to where you found that thing!. "!!!!!!"OW!!!! ... "TShhh!!. BOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!"

In the lobby

Nito, you believe me now?...this ''thing'' isn't coming off my back... only I can do that... So don't ever pull the sword off again. No, that's weird!. I know that!... I'm not an idiot!...

In the classroom

In any case, we should keep this thing safe... . Now ''we''!... Don't drag me into your mess!. Shut up and find something! Something that can prevent this thing from exploding me. There is no way something that absurd can do here... This is the school with a delinquency rate of 150%, the worst school in the country, Ishiyama High!. DON'T THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT!!! "TSHHHH!!!!! BOOOM!!!!!!!!!!".

12:05 Pm

If this keeps up, my body won't be able to take it... Really, I've only got one option... I have to find a way to remove this thing and put it back inside that huge old man ''Lyle. And what makes you think that old man is still split open?!. Quiet!!*!!!!... I don't care about this sword or whatever it is!... I just want to get rid of it!!! "BOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"... "Cough! Cough!"... I hate this thing... What the hell is this thing?.

(Then a Portal opens)

It is here... I sense it nearby... ''Woman.

At Nito's House.

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