Addicted to you.

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Magnus Bane was bored, again. Once you've worked your way up from the literal bottom, supporting yourself through high school — graduating when he was 14 and living by himself — and college only to get a crappy job and spend every waking moment working, and working hard until you were at the top of your own super company, all by the age of 30... Well, there wasn't much to do after that.

Sure, Magnus owed a lot of people for getting to where he was but he also wasn't humble enough not to admit he did a lot of it alone. And sure, it was a lot of work running Bane Co., which had quickly — though through a lot of hard work and sleepless nights — become one of the world's top media conglomerates. Magnus was constantly on call, had to review all the layouts for the magazine — his first big success —, edit articles he couldn't trust anyone else with, assign projects, and keep ahead of everyone else on everything. It was exhausting but it'd also become...monotone.

Catarina had joined him recently, taking on a lot of his work after leaving her old company. Raphael was good at managing...everything. Magnus had finally gotten the right people in all the right positions and didn't have to do everything himself... And that made him very bored. Even Sherwin, who'd he'd only hired because Clary (who had briefly interned with him and then basically become his apprentice after graduating) had begged, was a decent assistant. Magnus would grudgingly, and under much distress, even admit Salmon might have been the best assistant he's ever had. And in the last five years he's had a lot of them.

Magnus swirled the amber liquid in his glass around, staring out over his kingdom — Brooklyn where Bane Co's headquarters were based. Many people had called Magnus out early on in his career, even more so when he started Bane Co. with the backing of Ragnor Fell, a big wig in the media business. And he'd worked hard to prove them wrong the last few years.

All that work was finally paying off. Magnus was on top of the world in his career, most the time he was happy with that, he loved his company and his job, but, every once in a while, he'd feel this...itch that demanded to be scratched. Repeatedly.

Magnus' office was big, filled with windows and a wall of tv screens constantly showing the news. He had a giant desk, all the furniture was carefully handpicked, the couch more comfortable and expensive than his bed at home, which was good because he slept there quite frequently. To the left, there were glass doors leading to his balcony, the front was windows looking out on his employees.

Moving back in from the balcony as a chilled wind blew in, Magnus sighed. He downed the rest of his whiskey before pulling out his phone, opening the hookup app before he could talk himself out of it.


Alec Lightwood didn't have time for romance and relationships. Didn't want those things anyway. No, Alec — who was in his last painful year of law school — preferred to keep things easy, organized, and manageable. Which was why he not only had millions of lists and a very intense organization method when it came to school and his personal life both, but also why the relationships he had, were one night stands met over a hookup app. And even those Alec didn't indulge in too often.

That night, Alec had lost count of how many cups of coffee he'd had, ignored all the texts from his siblings, and been staring at the same page in one of his textbooks for at least an hour when he finally gave in.

Trying not to feel the old wave of disgust it'd taken him a while to get over having, grown up in a more...conservative household where he spent most his teen years denying he felt attracted to anyone, let alone men — Alec pulled up the app on his phone.

Not even ten minutes later, he was pulling on his jacket and heading out. He checked the address again, picturing it mentally and realizing he was going to a hotel in Brooklyn. Either the guy he was meeting was ashamed, married, or just visiting. Alec only cared about one of those.

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