Chapter 4

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The sound of her footsteps did not match her heart beat. Every thud of Jamie's foot was too slow for it to catch up to the pounding. So she walked faster until it did. They were escorted to the airport on time for them to board immediately.

Jamie always wondered how the City of Balance looked like. She tried to craft her own idea of it inside her mind. She thought of towering skyscrapers that seemed endless even if you try hard enough to look up at it. She thought of loud, deafening noises that could fill any silence. She thought of the City of Balance as a haven, as a serene community.

Hours passed by until the plane touched down. They came out one by one, Jamie being last. She stayed completely silent because she wanted to drink in the city. She wanted to close her eyes first and think about the city that she imagined it to be, then open it again to see what she didn't.

It wasn't what she imagined.

A car was waiting for them. They went directly to the assigned place with no stops and no disturbances. It was disturbing that there were no disturbances. It looked like a ghost town. Not because it looked like an ancient place. Far from it actually. All that could be seen was made especially because of the fact that it would be seen. It seemed like a ghost town because of the population--- or the lack of it. They had wide roads, wider than any she has ever seen before. It was like the government adorned her beloved city with jeweled necklaces and forgot the others waiting for her. No matter how much they grovel and beg, she would still favor one. She would still prioritize one and there will be no changing of systems.

City of Balance will always be glorified.

Her disgust towards the government is evident now. She could not help but think about all those money and extravagance wasted, just thrown into this city. Instead of achieving all the things that could have been, the government decided to endulge and to not risk anything, fearing that one simple action for greatness  will be their ruin.

The car swerved to the right and stopped without any unease. The building in front of them was a normal one. It was surprising how plain it was since the other buildings they passed by were all constructed with their own unique style. It was a white building with too much glass doors and windows for it to be deemed as unsafe in times of earthquakes.

They were told to go inside.


It had glossy floors and clean hallways. The ceiling wasn't too high or too low. The fluorescent lights were so bright that it hurt Jamie's eyes. There were spiral staircases made up of white marbles. All of it complemented one another.

They stopped at the center, unsure of what to do next. Fortunately, a man wearing a black suit with too polished shoes approached all five of them.

He was as old as them, which should not be surprising since it should be expected that most have the same age.

"Welcome to the City of Balance, ladies. May you feel free to roam around. The other women and men have not arrived yet so you could still settle down to your own quarters."

Jamie didn't think about the other chosen ones until this time. It never occurred to her to be curious or to be scared.

To not overthink about it, she settled on walking. All the other girls were tired so she did not have to offer to know that they will not accompany her for a walk.

She was the only one walking in that part of the vicinity. She went this way and that, swaying her arms back and forth. She felt free and jumpy. She was relaxed by the fact that she was alone and that no one is screeching at her ear.

She turned to the left wing. When she looked up, she could see a sign labeled "Genesis".

Curious, she walked further.

From ceiling to floor, containers were the only things seen. They had numbers written on it. As she walked, she could see the number that was nearest to her line of sight.


She was still walking.


She was more confused than ever, but she still kept walking.


She restrained herself from walking too fast to the other side.


She stopped.

"Hello," he said. He was the one who greeted them the first time when they went inside the building.

Jamie just stared, motionless. She was as frozen as whatever the things inside those containers were.

He looked to the left, then to the right. He sighed.

"I should have specified my instroduction awhile ago. Let us start afresh, shall we? Welcome to the City of Balance. May you feel free to roam around..."

He walked nearer to her.

"Except the Genesis."

"What are inside those containers?"

"Things that do not concern yourself."

"Then what are inside those containers that do not concern myself."

It seemed like he was having a difficult time not sighing again. He looked at her, clearly not amused with the game she was playing.

"What is your name?"

"A name that does not concern yourself."

He smirked. He faced her, offered his hand and said, "My name is Liam."

She reluctantly shook his hand. But she still said nothing.

"Well, then. You asked about the containers? Those are ovarian eggs. You probably wondered at some point as to how the population isn't extinct yet."

Everyone did.

"Ovaries release an egg during a woman's menstruation. By the way, I wonder how the City of Eterna isn't a bloodbath yet. You women assumably cried when you had your period. Did you think you were dying?" Liam looked at her. "That would be very amusing to see."

"You are a son of a bitch."

"Oh, no, that is not what I am. My mother is definitely not a female dog. I am probably just a son of a whore."

He reverted back to the topic at hand. "Normally, only a single egg from an ovary is released during each menstrual cycle. Now these," he held the nearest one and continued,"---contain the said eggs."

"How did you freeze them?" Jamie asked.

"Our very own doctors insert a catheter inside the birth canal to expel the fluid from the follicle, hoping to snatch a few eggs to reproduce."

It was evident that the man in front of Jamie is an official of some sort. But to have a high rank in that young age is just prepostorous.

"Who are you?", she asked.
"I'm Liam."
"I know that already. But who are you? What are you?"

He just stared for a moment, unsure of what to say. Surprisingly hesitant all of a sudden when awhile ago, he was confident and sardonic.

"I have a feeling that you will know soon enough. What's the purpose of ruining the fun?"

And with that, he left the Genesis.

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