"Well it's just that I've never seen you smile let alone laugh before." She says in a calming tone, most likely noticing my anger over the subject. Of course she sees that she probably has my life story all figured out, I think while clutching my hands into fists.

"Well I don't know if you noticed, which you probably already have, but I haven't had the best happiest life like you have." I yell out the last part, not bothering to hide the fact that I'm angry at this point.

Her lips press into a thin line but she doesn't step away from me. Feeling a shift coming, I close my eyes relaxing myself but before I can open them I feel a hand go over one of my fisted ones.

She slowly starts to unclench one before holding it. I glance down at my hand then back at her. Why is she so intent on staying near me? If she really knew what I'm doing, then I know she wouldn't be. A small reassuring smile is on her face and I get a sudden strange feeling like if she's trying to take my anger away.

"Anger will help you survive for awhile but it will eat you alive." She quietly quotes. That might be true but it's still my anchor and since it works I don't plan on getting rid of it anytime soon. I pull my hand out of her grasp and shove them in my pockets.

"I'm sure that you with your perfect little life would know anything about what I've been through." I bitterly reply, before walking out towards the forest. I hear her almost silent footsteps follow behind me.

"I'm done talking." I yell angrily. "Just go back home." I turn and stop to face her.

She looks at me but it's not like any other stare, it's like she can see every last part of you making you feel completely bare and exposed. I glare down at her not liking the feeling but she doesn't waiver her stare.

"Your right, I don't personally know what you've had to go through." She says sternly, breaking the silent stare down. "But you'll never know what it's like to see your single mother have to work so much just to give her two kids a decent life. You'll never know what it's like seeing your dad just leave your family."

"You'll never have to feel like the odd one out because you were always the youngest one in school." She lets out a short breath and shakes her head.

"Ya I see every freakin thing." She exclaims, throwing her hands up before letting them drop back down to her side. "But I also feel like I'm such a freak because of it." Claire yells out frustrated but I can tell it's hurt not frustration. Her hand starts to slightly shake and she looks down at the ground.

"And I also doubt that you know how it feels to be overwhelmed by everything." She looks back up, her lower lip trembling. Great what am I suppose to do with a crying girl. I sigh and look to the side.

The sound of footsteps hurriedly retreating into a different part of the forest makes me turn back around. "Where the hell do you think your going?" I snap irritated. Does she not remember the fact that we're in the middle of the woods, in Beacon Hills.

"You told me to leave remember?" She replies pointedly, not stopping but instead picking up the pace. I stand in front of her and she knocks into me.

"I don't know why you got so defensive. All I did was say that I thought you had a perfect life." The words come out of my mouth, not wanting her to try and guilt me with this conversation later on.

"I'm not angry at you I'm angry at myself." She steps around me and continues walking. Why the hell is she angry with herself. I catch up to her again in no time. "I'm perfectly capable--"

"Why are you mad at yourself. You shouldn't be." She stops walking and this time I bump, well more like ram into her. She stumbles forward but I catch her this time before she can hit the ground. I let go of her waist and hold both her shoulders.

Open Your Eyes \\ TeenWolfDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora