Chapter 2 - Beaches and Ice Cream

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"What the heck?!" The room is already covered in clothes and suitcases, and there's even a picture frame on the bedside table. No,no, no, no! This can't be happening! This is my room! I've stayed in this room since I was old enough to have my own room, and there was no way I was gonna sleep in another one this summer. I hear an awkward cough beside me and I whip to my right, where Nick stands.

"Uhh, this one's taken." He says.

"Well, thank you, I can see that." I retort, my voice dripping in sarcasm. "Who had the nerve to go and take my room?" He shifts uncomfortably and it hits me. He took my room.

"Are you serious?" At this point I'm struggling to keep my voice down. "I have stayed in this room since I was three years old, and I fully intend to sleep here again!"

"Well, feel free to sleep here, don't let me stop you." He smirks again and I growl. He did not just say that. I walk into the room and open one of his suitcases. I open the drawers of the dresser and start dumping clothes into the suitcase. Nick quickly runs over to me, waving his arms at me.

"Woah, woah, woah, what're you doing?"

"If you're not gonna leave yourself, then I'll make you leave." I hear Anna snort from the doorway and I look up in surprise. Was she here the whole time?

I totally didn't see her, again.

I guess Nick has that effect on me.

Woah, woah, what? Bridget Rae Connolly, he stole your ROOM!

Oh, yeah.

I shake my head to brush off the internal dialogue and wink at Anna.

"Okay, you know what? Fine. I'll go find another room." Nick grumbles. I smile triumphantly and high-five Anna. Finally, my room is back.


A half an hour later I'm completely unpacked, and Nick is gone. Anna walks into my room and plops herself down on the bed.

"Can we go swimming or something? It's so hot," she complains. She's right, it feels like it's about 100 degrees.

"Yeah, sure. Do you wanna go to the beach or just the pool?"

"Uhh... the beach. Isn't there like an awesome boardwalk or something?"

"Yes! It's huge and so amazing, but I don't think we have enough time to do it justice today. Let's just go swimming at the beach and do the boardwalk another day soon?" I suggest.

"Sounds like a plan!" Anna hops up and scurries to her room to go get changed, her black hair swishing behind her.

I grab a hot pink triangle bikini from my drawer and quickly change. I throw on my sheer white sundress and white flip-flops, then grab a bag with sunscreen, two towels, and a book. I put my Ray-Bans on my head and walk out the door, feeling excited. I haven't been to this beach in two years.

I meet Anna downstairs and grin at her. She's wearing a blue and white striped halter top bikini with a navy coverup and a straw hat.

"Oh, are you girls going to the beach?" My dad asks, looking up from his book and sinking back into the couch.

"Yup!" I reply happily.

"Alright, and make sure you include Nick. I don't want you two leaving him out all summer." I groan internally and mentally smack my forehead with my hand. Great.

"Nick!" I yell, not bothering to search the house for him. After a minute with no response I shrug to my dad. "Guess he doesn't want to come."

"Says who?" This time I groan out loud as I recognize Nick's voice. "You didn't really think I'd let you go to the beach without me, did you now?" I sigh and roll my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2017 ⏰

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