Chapter 15

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"Simone, wake up honey, please wake up"

"Simone can you hear me?"



It was around noon and I was slightly on edge but I had no idea why, I prayed this morning especially for Kate's safe return home.

I was in the kitchen preparing lunch, I had invited Lily over and she agreed we had reconnected after that night I went to hear her friend's poetry. She was really happy I could make it and so was I, I really enjoyed it.

I was making Chicken Alfredo with broccoli along with Fettuccini noodles; for desert I had ordered an angel food cake. I was good at cooking but not at making deserts, I could make a pound cake but that was about it.

When I was all but done, I went over to set the table and get ready to make some virgin strawberry daiquiris. I didn't use alcohol but I went to a restaurant and my friend had ordered this drink for me, virgin of course and I fell in love, I looked up the recipe and have been making it for over a year now.

Just as I placed my hand on the freezer my house phone rang, I wondered who that could be, not many people called my house phone especially on a Sunday; I walked over to the phone in the kitchen and picked it up.


"Hey Chris, its Eddie"

"Oh hey there, what's going on buddy?"

"Oh I am fine, but I have some important news for you, it's about the plates you asked me to check out last night."

"Okay, what did you find out about it?"

"Well the plates are registered to a Smithy Nicolson."

"I don't think I know anyone by that name, so what's the problem?"

"The problem is it's an alias, the name has been switched around to throw people off but I was curious and checked out some other stuff and the more I dug the more I found out. The address was a little suspicious and the person who it is actually registered to is Nicolas Smith, he is a big time drug dealer but we have not been able to get anyone to testify against him, they are either to scared or wind up dead, but we never know where the guy is either, he is low key."

My mind went on high alert, at first I was like what does this mean, I don't know a Nicolas Smith, but then I remembered Simone saying that a Mr. Smith owned the club she and Kate usually went to. It couldn't be, could it; I was in full panic mode.

"Umm Eddie I know that information was pretty bad that you gave me, but why did you say it was important?"

"Chris this is great, wherever you saw his car, we will now be able to follow him and get surveillance, and also one of his men recently came to us and agreed to give us info to put him away. But we need to dot all our 'Is' and cross all our 'Ts'.

"Oh my goodness, this is terrible."

"What is, I thought you would be happy to hear that your hunch on the car paid off and we could also bring down this guy, by the way where did you see this car?"

"That's just it Eddie, I saw the car parked across the street from my friend's building, they had to be watching her."

"Wait a minute there, that's a big leap, suppose they were just visiting someone in the building they were parked in front of."

"There is no building, it's a park, and Simone's best friend Kate has been missing for about two weeks now, and she herself had to run from these guys chasing her from a club that Mr. Smith owned. This is not a coincidence, she could very well be in danger, this wasn't the first time I saw the car parked there, but I got a closer look at it last night."

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