What The Other Losers Think of You Guys Together

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- Richie is bitchie and won't stop talking about it

- Stan is really supportive of you guys and is happy for Bill

- Eddie is just a mom

"d0n'T k1sS dO y0u kN0w HoW mAnY gErMs y0u GuYs HavE!!!1!!!11!!!!!!1!!!1!!"

- Ben thinks you guys are super sweet

- Mike won't talk about it but he's internally fangirling

- Bev is kind of sad because she used to like Bill but she looooooves you together


Everyone low key hates it but deep down thinks it's really cute and likes that you can shut up Richie.


- Bill thinks it's super cute and is sooo supportive lol whatta nerd

- Richie talks about how innocent you guys are and makes fun of that

- Eddie is still a mom but is glad stan found someone to make him happy

- Ben is lowkey sad because he thinks you're really cute but he really likes you guys together

- Mike is a fangirl

- Bev STaNs you guys (haha get it??)


everyone thinks you guys are frikin adorable what the heck


same as eddie you guys are pure asf


- Bill makes a big deal and will n0t st0p

- Richie. is. sh00keth.

- Eddie gets mad when you do pda

- Ben thinks you guys are pure but doesn't care that much

- Bev is just like "GET SOME MIKEEE"


they don't know yet because you guys haven't told them, but when they do they'll think it's actually really hot (??? Children no???)

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