The train ride

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My fathers grabbed me hostage as I walked in the door. You could call them eccentric or overprotective, but to me, they were acting normally. I mean, after you live through as many wars as we have, you get a little nervous when someone doesn't show up at the promised time. And trust me, they looked ready to kill England. But before they could-

"Don't look at me like that! We are only ten minutes late. Besides, I'll just tell Dumbledore to forget what we discussed this morning."

"And what did you discuss?" Vati asked

"I worked it out so that on the weekends that third years and up go into the nearby village you can go to the village and spend the day with her. You just have to sign here."

I watched them look over the paper very carefully and I read it over their shoulders it basically said that I would be taken to Hogsmede at noon and they would have to return me to the castle by 5:00 and during that time the school had no responsibility for me and they would have to follow the guidelines exactly or I would no longer be allowed to go. In short they signed it happy to have the chance to see me at all during the year that was not breaks.


It was finally the day I would go to Hogwarts, September 1st. I had woken up at the crack of dawn and somehow woke up everyone with my 'packing'. Ok, fine, I was blasting music by Tokio Hotel, my favorite band, over the stereo, but what's the difference? When we got to Kings Cross I was too excited to notice Sweden and Finland there, but I eventually did. But if they are here that means Peter goes to Hogwarts! That means I won't be the only micro-nation(well, technically I'm a micro-state but I'm not ready to accept the truth) there! Uncle Arthur has gotten a job there too, so he's going to get my paperwork for me and help me deal with country problems. I said goodbye to Papa, and Vati helped me get my trunk on the train.

"Now Julchen, remember to write to us at least once a week, and cause havoc!"

"Love you Vati!" I hugged him and he left. I searched the train for Peter and found him with red-headed twins. I opened the compartment door. "Peter!"

He turned toward me. "C-J! What are you doing here?"

"Papa and Vati brought me. Uncle Arthur got me here instead of that one in France. He didn't want me near 'that bloody frog.'"

"Yup sounds like jerky idiot."

"That one's new, but he has a job at Hogwarts this year. He wants to make sure that my fathers don't freak if I forget to send them a letter one week," I rolled my eyes, "or if I get sick."

"Well, C-J these," he gestured toward the twins, "are the Weasley twins. They are in their seventh and last year. And I'm in my third year. Fred, George this is my cousin Coralie Julchen Beilschmit-Williams, but she goes by C-J and the only people allowed to call her Coralie or Julchen are her fathers, or she completely flips."

"Wait fathers?"

Really, out of all of that that's what the decide to focus on? "Yeah, you got a problem with the fact that my Vati is bi?"

"No, we didn't mean it like that-" "it's just, doesn't that mean that your not their actual child?"

"Actually Vati is my real father. My mom didn't want me. So Papa is my mother figure."

The rest of the train ride was pretty quiet, I got a few chocolate frogs when the trolley came by, and we talked about prank ideas. We arrived at Hogwarts and I heard Uncle calling for the first years. I went over to him saying goodbye to my new friends.

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