One year later

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A year later and Uma was still in a relationship with Harry. Mal, Maddy and Jay were really close best friends. Carlos De Vil, son of Cruella De Vil, and Evie, daughter of the Evil Queen, were a part of their gang and the five were the most feared kids on the Isle. The gang were like brothers and sisters. Maddy's family were sort of like their adoptive family. One day, they met up in the dining hall at Dragon Hall. It was the last day of school before the summer holidays.

"Last day of school!" Carlos jumped up and did the splits on the floor.

"What time is it? It's summer time." Evie sang.

"Schools out! Scream and shout!" The five shouted. Uma and Harry walked past them, holding hands and glaring at them. The group glared eright back at them until they exited the hall.

"I hate them so much." Mal stood up.

"They're the worst people ever." Maddy scoffed at them.

"Let's go." Jay wrapped an arm around Mal. They began to walk out but Freddie stopped them.

"You guys are gonna love this. Tomorrow night, summer time party here at midnight so you should come. There's gonna be food, drinks, music, dancing, karaoke and fun!" Freddie handed them an invite each. The group walked out of the school.

"I'm definitely going. I have the perfect outfits for us." Evie squealed.

"Yeah. We have to go as the baddest kids on the Isle." Carlos looked at Mal, Maddy and Jay.

"We might not go. After what happened last year." Jay was cut off by Evie.

"Don't be boring. Stop living in the past. Nothing bad is gonna happen to any of you while me and Carlos have blood running through our veins and our hearts beating." Evie started to plead.

"Fine. We'll go." Mal sighed. Evie pulled everyone to Maddy's house.

"Why are we at my house?"

"Because we haven't seen your family in ages." Evie knocked on the door.

"Fine but we're not staying here for long." Maddy opened the door. "You didn't have to knock, E."

"Hey, Mad." Mackenzie was washing dishes.

"Hey, Mom. Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos are here as well. We're going to a party tomorrow night at midnight by the way." Maddy threw her backpack on the couch.

"That's fine with me." Mackenzie looked at Maddy.

"Let's go to my room." Maddy led the group to her bedroom. Her sisters were in it.

"Hey, Mad." Her sisters smiled at her.

"Girls, we want this bedroom for half an hour only so can you go downstairs?" The four sisters went downstairs. Maddy sat in her hammock.

"Who's gonna do our hair?" Mal asked.

"Me! I love doing hair!" Evie squealed.

"I'm really nervous to see Harry and Uma." Maddy and Mal shared a look.

"You'll be fine." Carlos reassured them.

"I can't wait for tomorrow." Jay sat on the floor. "Freddie was actually nice to us for once."

"She was probably just excited about the party. Either that or she can't get anyone to come to her party 'cause she's an annoying twerp with no friends so she's trying to persuade us to come." Everyone laughed at Carlos' joke.

"That was funny." Mal laughed.

"Are we gonna do some karaoke at the party?" Maddy asked.

"Why not? We want to have fun." Evie sat next to her.

"And we're gonna dance." Mal sat next to Jay.

"I've got a song stuck in my head." Carlos groaned.

"What song?" Jay asked him.

"I can't remember the name or the lyrics but it's by Shawn Mendes."

"Is it Stitches?" Mal asked him. Carlos shook his head.

"Treat You Better?" Jay raised his hand. Carlos shook his head.

"Believe?" Evie looked like she was thinking hard.

"Nope." Carlos groaned again.

"What does the tune go like?" Maddy smiled.

"Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba. Ah ah. Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba. Hey-ey. Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba. Ba ba ba ba ba." Carlos sung it beautifully.

"I Know What You Did Last Summer." The others sung.

"That's it." Carlos cheered.

"Shawn Mendes did it with Camila Cabello. She's my fave." Evie squealed.

"Camila is really hot." Jay nodded. Everyone snickered.

"Maddy! Can we come in now? It's been half an hour! Maddy! Let us in! It's our room as well!" Maddy's sisters banged on the door. The group opened the door and it was slammed behind them.

"How about we head to my house? I'll show you our outfits." Evie ran down the stairs.

"Cool. Mom! Grandma! I'm going to Evie's house!" Maddy opened the front door and she shut it behind them.

"Last one there's a tragedy." Jay raced them to Evie's house.

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