Part 2

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Smoker looked out onto The Strip from the penthouse suite of the Rain Dinners Hotel and Casino. A mirage hung heavy in the air, a blanket of heat beating down on the city from the midday sun far above. There was nothing Smoker hated more that Vegas in July and, though he never showed it, he was eternally grateful to be inside on a day such as this.

Behind him, he could hear Tashigi speaking but it was if he was hearing her from very far away. For some reason, he couldn't stop replaying their encounter with the magician's assistant over and over in his mind. There was something about her that kept bringing his thoughts back to the subtle curve of her lips and the delicate skin of her throat. He snapped himself out of it quickly. A suspect—no matter how pleasing to the eye—was not an appropriate recipient for his impure thoughts. He turned from the window to face the room.

"Mr. Crocodile, did you know the victim?" Tashigi was perched in a plush armchair before the large black and gold desk, looking rather small in comparison to the man seated behind it.

Smoker had seen his type before—hotel business tycoons that have too much money to know what to do with. There was no shortage of men like him in a city like Las Vegas. He had no doubt this man could pay Smoker's rent for an entire year with only the cost of the rings on his right hand.

The voice that answered Tashigi was gruff, but strangely smooth. For some reason it brought to mind sand trickling through an hourglass. "We were never formally introduced. My assistant handles the hiring of most of the entertainment."

Tashigi jotted a few words down on her notepad and Smoker's lips twitched in an almost-smile. Always by the book.

"I see. Were you present when the accident occurred?"

"I was not."

"Can you account for where you were between 9 and 10pm last night?"

"Entertaining a guest. In my private suite." He leaned back in his chair, observing the two detectives with a wary expression.

"Can your... guest corroborate on that?"

"Yes. As can the waiter who served us."

Either the man was telling the truth, or he was an exceptional liar. Tashigi always gave suspects the benefit of the doubt, but Smoker had been at this far longer than her. He knew it never did well to trust the word of anyone. Especially a man with money.

Smoker sat down in the seat beside Tashigi, but remained silent, observing the man across the desk from him. Crocodile pulled a silver case from his coat pocket and pulled out a cigar. Well... Smoker couldn't doubt the man had good taste in tobacco. Noticing the way Smoker was eyeing the cigars, Crocodile smirked and offered him the case.

"A man of good taste, I see."

Smoker shook his head minutely. He hadn't had a smoke all morning and he could feel the addiction demon clawing at its cage to get to the offered cigar. But he refused to break.

Crocodile tucked the case back into his coat with a shrug and lit the cigar, taking a long drag. As hardened as Smoker liked to think he was, he couldn't help but inhale, the weak, second-hand smoke a poor substitute for the real thing. It only mode the cravings worse. He gritted his teeth and willed this interview to be over soon.

"We're going to need the name of the waiter," Tashigi said, oblivious to the exchange between the two men. "And we'd like to talk to your assistant. In fact, we're going to need a list of all guests and employees that were present in the hotel on the day of the mur—accident. Even those who checked out before the performance."

Smoker cringed. It wasn't supposed to be public knowledge that it was a suspected murder just yet. But if Crocodile noticed her slip up, he didn't let on.

Crocodile waved his hand dismissively, and for the first time Smoker noticed the left hand was strangely rigid, sheathed in a black leather glove. "Do what you will. The sooner all this bad press surrounding my casino is dispelled, the better. Robin!"

The door opened, and a tall, dark-haired woman entered and bowed to room. "Yes, Mr. Crocodile?"

"Please compile a list of all employees and guests that visited the hotel over the last two days. And send it to the LVMPD when you're done."

"Of course, sir." The assistant bowed again and left as swiftly as she came.

"I believe that's all we need from you for now," Tashigi said. "Thank you for your time. We'll be in touch."

The detectives stood in unison and made to leave, but before they could reach the door, Crocodile called them back.

"Detective Smoker," he said, rising from his chair. He outstretched his hand, a single cigar clutched in bejewelled fingers. "For the road."

Smoker hesitated, but his cravings got the better of him. He took the cigar and tucked it in the breast pocket of his jacket. He nodded his thanks, to which Crocodile only smiled, and followed Tashigi out.

As the door swung shut behind them, Smoker growled:

"I don't trust him."

"You don't trust anyone, sir."

Smoker let out a grunt that was almost a laugh. "I don't think he's directly involved. But I highly doubt anything happens in this hotel without him knowing about it."

"You might be right."

"When am I ever wrong?"

"What's our next course of action?"

Smoker thought for a moment. "Let's take a look in the vic's room. Have forensics been through yet?"

"Yes, earlier today. They didn't find anything."

"That because they didn't look hard enough. Let's go."

Smoker started off down the hallways and Tashigi hurried to keep up.

"What do you think you're going to find?"

"Something. Anything. This case is dirty all over and someone has to have tracked that dirt somewhere. There's no such thing as a perfect crime."

"And if it really was just an accident?"

"One thing I've learned from this job over the years, is if there's money or fame involved, it's never an accident."

Tashigi looked troubled. "For the record, I hope you're wrong."

"When am I ever wrong?"

A/N: Please do not ask for updates. It kills my motivation and I have several other books that I need to update as well PLUS work and study to keep up with. Think before you comment.  

Smoke and Mirrors (Detective!Smoker x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora