Questions ?

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I woke up the next day to him still sound asleep. I got a little hungry so I got up and went to fix me some breakfast. I fixed some waffle, eggs, and bacon. With along some orange juice. This is my first time cooking in Jason house.

I put my food on my plate and sat down at a table that I could see the tv. As I was eating Jason can looking like he just woke up. Obviously he did lol 😭

"Good morning babe" I said has I was eating

"Good morning sweetness" he said getting a piece of my bacon and siting down

"Ha If u wanted some u could of asked" I said in a joking matter

"Lol come mon we can share"

"Yeah okay"

His phone went off and looks than tried to hide who it was.

"Who's that" I questioned

"It's nobody" he answered

"Umm Okay"

Jason prov.

My phone when off and I quickly tried to it. It was my ex boyfriend. Yes boyfriend, here's the thing I used to like boys until I meet Alexa. I don't know how to tell her and how she will take it. I was so scared to tell her.

"Yeah" I said

"I'm done so imma go to the room for a bit" she said

" k"

I knew she was kinda upset that I didn't tell her but I was too afraid. I love her and I'm scared of what she will think of me. I decided to get advice from my mom

Alexa prov.

I finally was done and I went into the room for a bit. I was upset that he didn't tell me. Was he cheating ? What was going on ?

I wanted to cry but I was strong enough to old it all in. I heard his foot steps but it got farther and farther. So obviously he wasn't coming to the room.

Jason prov.

I got up and went towards my mom room.

Knock knock

"Come in" she said

I walked in and sat on the bed. I knew my mom was worried because I never came and actually sat on her bed unless something was really wrong. She looked me in my eye so she could tell something was wrong.

"What's wrong baby" she asked

"Ok so you know Caleb my old boyfriend, well he called when me and Alexa was at breakfast and she asked who it was but I'm scared to tell her that me and Caleb went out because I wouldn't know how she was gonna react and I don't wanna hide any secrets from her".

"Okay first u needa tell before it's too late, next tell her In a romantic way. Like make her lunch and tell her what's going on. But wait what does Caleb want anyway?" She asked

"He wants me back, I keep telling him I'm in a happy relationship but he won't leave me alone and every time I change my number he finds it anyway".

"Well we can worry about that later but you needa tell her today at lunch" she said

"Okay thanks mom"

On that note I left the room and went to prepare for lunch. I decided to take her out to Kiku's, is a restaurant where they cook in front of you.

Alexa prov.

I heard Jason footsteps come back from where he was from. He walked into the room and went into the shower.

" hey babe put some clothes on something not so fancy". He said when he was in the shower

"Why where we going" I said

"Hey don't question me missy".


I was still kinda upset but I got up and went to put some clothes on.

We finally left the house and we was on our way to wherever we was going.

"Here is the place, come mon lets get out" he said

"Wow" I said looking surprised.

I have had a lot of memories here at kiku's. My biological mom always took me here when I was young and every time I come here it remind me of her. Great I hope I don't cry.

Alexa : completed Where stories live. Discover now