Part One

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It was my first day going to Hope Dance Studios; it's one of the most famous dance schools in the world. I had been dancing since I was only 5 and I've loved it ever since.

The air was cold as I walked down the street. People rushed by on their way to work and cars wizzed by sending a chilly gust of air right at me. The sky was grey and blanketed in clouds; I always loved gloomy days.

I stopped abruptly as I came up to a large black gate surrounding a building that read Hope Dance Studios. I couldn't believe that I was actually here. I had no experience going or being in a dance school before; everyone entering the building looked professional. I caught my breath and continued to walk towards the entrance. As I walked up a tall man wearing all black stopped me. He asked for my ID and schooling pass. As I showed him, he let me in the doors. The ceilings were high and white, bright lights blinded me as I looked around. So many people were huddled in front of Room 1.
All the sudden, a loud voice quieted everyone down.
"Hello everyone. My name is Jung Ho-Seok. I will be your dance instructor; now everyone please calmly go into room number 1 and get ready."
As I had watched him speak, I lost my breath. He had a voice that would make you melt, his jaw line was sharp, his eyes and skin soft, and his firey red hair slightly hung in his eyes.
I walked  into the room and set my bags down. The room was gigantic; One side was covered with mirrors and there were tons of bright stage lights on the ceiling giving everyone a glowing look to them. A boy around my age set his stuff right next to mine. He had blonde hair with a round face and big eyes. A moment later Jung Ho-Seok entered the room
"Alright everyone, who's ready to get started? Now today will be all about wether you make it into my advanced class or not. There are only 6 spots available so pickings will be slim. You will need to get into groups of two and come up with a dance to present to me."
I stood there feeling vulnerable; everyone seemed to know each other but I had just moved to the city. I felt a warm hand grab my wrist and I turned to see the boy who placed his things next to mine.
"Hi, my name is Jimin. Would you like to be partners?" "Sure. My name is Keelin, I'm new here; I just moved from Busan."  "Me too! Alright let's figure out this dance, but first we have to pick a song. What would you like to dance to?" "How about Monster?" "Yaa! That's a great song."
We practiced for about an hour. Jimin was really funny and easy to talk to. Our dance was fast and complex; we seemed to mold into one while we danced side by side.
"Okay everyone it's time to present your dances ," Ho-Seok said " How about you two first?" He pointed at Jimin and me.
"Oh....o...okay." I stammered. We walked into the middle of the room and stood in position in front of the mirror. The music started and we began our dance. I could feel Ho-Seok's eyes on me; I tried not to loose focus of the routine. We picked up our speed and the moves got more challenging. People began to cheer and clap along to the beat.
Our dance finally came to an end. We were so tired; sweat was rolling down our necks. Jimin gave me a hug and we turned to Ho-Seok.
His eyes were tracing my body, starting at my feet and slowly, they made their way up to my eyes. His intense look sent a wave of chills throughout my body; my heart began to race and for a moment, I forgot where I was. Still looking into my eyes, he took a step closer to me. After a few moments, he took a step back and looked a Jimin. "You guys did very, very well. What are your names?" "I'm Jimin." "And I'm Keelin." "Well Jimin And Keelin, you guys are eligible for my advanced class, congratulations." Jimin And I jumped into a hug and just laughed; we couldn't believe it!! "Thank you so much Jung Ho-Seok!!" As we walked back over to our bags, I looked back and saw Ho-Seok staring at me with his intense look; something about him made me weak in the knees. I felt as though he could take control over my whole body and I wouldn't care.
"Keelin? Keelin. Hey." I looked and saw Jimin holding my wrist looking into my eyes. "Do you want to go get something to eat after this?" "oh, sorry; I got distracted. Yeah of course!" I quickly looked back to see Ho-Seok, but he had already moved onto the next group. There was something about him that made me want to be around him all the time; I just didn't know what it was.

I played their music and they began to dance. The girl moved like fluid; she was so angelic. She had a soft round face, big blue eyes and the prettiest smile I had ever seen; I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I got lost in the way that she moved and for a moment, I forgot that there were other people in the room.
The music ended and everyone clapped. My eyes were on her; starting at her feet, I made my way up her body; taking in every bit of her. I finally made it up to her eyes and had a rush sent through me. God she's beautiful. I took a step closer to her; I could feel her body heat. I stayed there for a few moments before stepping back. "You guys did very, very well. What are your names?" "I'm Jimin." "And I'm Keelin." Keelin....what a pretty name. "Well Jimin And Keelin, you guys are eligible for my advanced class, congratulations." Seeing her happy made me feel good inside. Her smile spread from ear to ear, but seeing her with Jimin gave me a little bit of rage. I wanted to be the one holding her, hugging her, dancing with her. I'll have you.
I continued watching her as she walked back to her bag; I couldn't tear my eyes away from her. When she looked back at me, my heart skipped a beat. We stayed watching each other for what seemed like eternity. A feeling of jealously came over me as Jimin made Keelin break her look. All I wanted to do was have her in my arms; I needed her to be mine.

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