Run (bughead)

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Yep, you guessed it, more bughead. This would take place at the end of episode five, where Betty is crying at her window and Jug is being a fuckboi
(There will be a part 2 to this)
Ya and i wrote this fast so plz point out errors

Betty couldn't take it. The threats, the lies, the broken hearts, everything. She sat there crying the hardest she has ever cried. Betty cried for Veronica, who would never forgive her. She cried for Jug, whom she may never see again, and if she did, it wouldn't be pleasant. Betty cried for what she published about her mom. Betty just could not stop.

Lollipop, lollipop, oh lolli, lolli, lolli-

Betty picked up the phone, "what do you want now?!"
"How sweet," the voice of the Black Hood responded. "Did I anger you?"
Betty was livid. "I did everything you asked! Everything! Why can't you just stop?"
"I have my reasons, Cooper. Oh, the reasons for this phone call are ones you wouldn't like," the Black Hood taunted. "But I'm just going to get it over with. Jughead's gone. He's done too much sinning."
"What?!" Betty yelled. "No. No, no, no, no!" Betty hit the 'End Call' button and ran out her door.
She didn't even bother putting on shoes, which she now regrets. With sore feet, she runs up to the trailer she has gotten so familiar with. Betty pounded on the door, her hysteria growing by the second. A frazzled looking Toni Topaz answered, "what do you want?"
"I need to talk to Jug. Please. It's bad, really, really bad." Toni must have sensed the raw panic in Betty's voice, so she called out for the raven haired boy. Jughead trotted out from the back of the trailer, but stopped when he saw Betty.
Jughead's voice grew cold, "what are you doing here?"
Relieved to see him, but scared to lose him, Betty replied, "you need to come with me. Something's wrong. Really wrong." In that moment, Betty had never been more thankful that Jughead was there in her worst moments, because she knew he had to hear the fear and hysteria in her voice. Jughead didn't ask any questions, just followed her away.
"Mind if I ask where you're taking me?" Jug's cold voice interrupted. She shushed him and continued pulling him toward her house.
When the pair finally got to Betty's home, she pulled Jughead through the door, and bolted it shut. She closed and locked all of the windows and put the blinds up.
"Jug, go up to my room and sit on the floor." By now, Betty knew he was probably so confused, but she followed him up the stairs, and repeated what she did downstairs to her room. Once Betty locked the door, she turned to look at Jughead. "Ask away."
"What the hell is going on?" Jug asked, looking at the girl with a hard look.
"Well, I guess I should start from the beginning. I got a call from the Black Hood, and he started ordering me around. He said that if I didn't do what he was telling me, he would kill Polly. But, he started ruining my life. He told me to cut out Veronica or he would kill Veronica and Polly. And then he told me to cut you out, Jug," Betty stopped to sniff away the tears in her eyes and move closer to Jughead, who was sitting against her wall. "He told me to cut you out, but I couldn't. That's why I sent Archie. I just- I couldn't look you in the eyes and say those words. Then today, almost an hour ago, I got a call saying you had done too much sinning. He said he was gonna kill you, Juggie," Betty had tried to wipe away her tear but they kept falling. It wasn't long before she gave up completely and just wrapped her arms around her legs.
"Betty," Jughead consoled, his voice soft and sad. "It's okay. I'm here. I'm right next to you." Betty looked up and the boy she loved and she hugged him. "Why would you do all this for a weirdo like me?"
"Because I love you, Juggie."
"I love you too, Betts."

Lollipop, lollipop, oh lolli, lolli-

Betty picked up phone angrily, still in Jughead's arms. "What do you want?!"
"You shouldn't have done that, Betty," the deep voice she knew and hated started. "You should have let me kill him."
"I am not just gonna sit here while you kill the person I love!"
"He doesn't love you, Betty-"
"Yes, he does!"
"I'll leave him alone," Betty sighed in relief. "-if he can prove his devotion to you. 24 hours of no sin. He must not do and Serpent work, drugs, and such. Only on that condition will I spare him."
Betty looked at Jug, who probably had heard the whole conversation. He nodded, and Betty told the person on the other end of the phone, "deal."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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