Weatherford Asylum Chapter 1

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     Within Weatherord are events noone outside knows about, and events inside that those who know don't talk about. When things go into chaos will an abducted IT be strong enough to both live but also keep the fragmented sanity he has left in one piece? 

     The liquid fell onto my forehead with precise timing, the plick plock plick plock of the water contacting with my flesh was the only sound that I could pick up. After what seemed like an eternity the doctor came back in with a pair of guards, he unstrapped me and barked an order that my numbed mind couldn't read to the guards, they roughly pulled me from the chair and started dragging me away.

     My vision faded in and out as I was pulled along, my head throbbed and my ears rang, the lights were all blinding and the slightest sound set my head spinning like a top for a few seconds. When they finally pulled me into the padded room I knew as home for a long time now I was disoriented and nauseous, though compared to some of the 'treatments' it wasn't truly that bad. They tossed me down upon the floor, with little concern for my well being,  and I simply curled up to wait for the pain to fade. The door slammed and my head was sent reeling once again, though with less severity than before, and I lie there trying to remember whatever I could. "My name was Alex Cross, I was an IT for a computer company in..." My thought trailed off, "Where was it?" I asked my self, squinting slightly in concentration. "Dallas... Dallas, Texas is where it was." I let out a soft sigh, it was becoming harder and harder every single day to remember who I was and where I was from, I could barely remember the face of my girlfriend anymore past that she had emerald green eyes and brown hair.

     A loud clang sounded from the hall but I ignored it for some time, soon after a scream was heard and I groggily sat up, "... The hell is going on?" I thought, bringing myself to my feet and shakily walking over to the small window lying within my cell door. A man was slammed into my door, a large blood stain and puncture wound lie within his stomach, he stared into my eyes in a silent horror that I'd grow accustomed to seeing within the next couple of days. I jump back in fright, adrenaline rushed through my veins and my mind awoke form it's haze, ready to fight or flee. 

     "What the fuck is going on out there?" I asked myself verbally, stepping back up to the window after a few seconds. the man now lie unmoving upon the floor, or at least I thought he was, all I could see was his feet lying motionless out into the middle of the hallway. With the thought of escaping I looked around the room, the walls and floor were padded, but the ceiling wasn't and actually had a small ventilation shaft covering within it. I pondered for a few seconds and stepped up beneath it, despite having lost a immense amount of weight since I was 'voluntarily' inducted to this facility, there was no way I'd ever be able to fit. 

     I jumped in fright as a loud bang came from my door, a man stood there, his face was mangled and bloody, a smile stood upon his deformed lips. "Hello there boy," his voice was rasped and heavy, "why don't you stay right there so that Uncle Donnie can open the door and come in for a snack?" Up until this point I hadn't noticed the small tendrils of Human flesh hanging from his teeth  and lips. My stomach dropped at the thought of where he had gotten the meat, he pressed his bloody hand against the glass and with another smile he departed to the end of the hall. "I need to get the hell out of here..." I muttered to myself, looking about again. The man was singing a tune in a horrid voice as he paced down the hall away from me, it stopped and I heard a laugh emit through the cement walls. "Here comes Uncle Donnie!" I heard him yell, my breath grew panicked and heavy as I heard his foot falls, loud from running come down the hall. "I have to fight, that's the only choice I have..." My throat went dry at the thought of fighting a maniac, but I had no other choice. 

Weatherford Asylum Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now