[ Artist #5 ] @SpiderPrincess

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Username: SpiderPrincessJoin date: April, 2013Artbook: Kuso Art [2], Anime N' Art [1]

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Username: SpiderPrincess
Join date: April, 2013
Artbook: Kuso Art [2], Anime N' Art [1]

Featured Art

What inspired you to start your art journey?

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What inspired you to start your art journey?

I actually created my wattpad account because a friend told me that "there's this place where you can read all these books for free! You should sign up!". And me being the cheap asian I am, was hooked as soon as I heard the word 'free'.

It was only about two years later, that I realised people were posting their art on Wattpad too; not just stories. I was inspired by all those wonderful artists, including @Ralder, @SagiCorn_Artists and @ilove_kookie0826, just to name a few. Sadly, they're no longer active on Wattpad, but they were an inspiration all the same. (❁'◡'❁)

How long have you been an artist?

I've been going to 'art classes' on and off since I was young, but half the time, it was just some random asian unite establishment and not much of what we did could be considered art. Essentially, it was a glorified daycare of sorts. ( 'థ౪థ)

I did learn still-life and landscape acrylic painting for a few years of high school, but I never did get to portraits. So when I decided to start anime-style art, well... it was definitely a rocky beginning (please don't look at my old stuff, it's an embarrassment to society).

What does posting art on Wattpad mean to you?

Wattpad is such an accepting and welcoming community where I really feel like I can not only show people artworks that I've worked hard on, but also make friends. (。>‿‿<。 )Wattpad was also the very first place I ever found the courage to share my art, so I definitely keep it close to my heart. (that rhymes :P) Since beginning to post my terrible excuses for artworks on Wattpad, I've met so many wonderful people who encourage me and give me critiques on my work, which I appreciate greatly.

Any advice for artists starting out on Wattpad?

Definitely to never give up! Wattpad is such a wonderful community, and definitely a place to receive the support you deserve. I remember my heart literally pounding when I posted my first artwork on here, worried that no one was going to see it, and that the people that did would hate it. I'm not going to say that you'll get millions of supporters on the first day, but if you don't give up and just practice, you'll definitely see both improvements and supporters grow before your eyes. ( ' ▽ ' )b

Don't forget to check this artist out on their profile, show them support on their artbook or even drop a follow!  

Don't forget to check this artist out on their profile, show them support on their artbook or even drop a follow!  

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