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as soon as those words left Mr Park's mouth, the whole class groaned in unison. i was no exception. i had much important work last night than preparing for the genetics viva such as reading steamy smuts and watching old bangtan fancams. 

Mr Park started taking the viva of each student by going to his/her desk. the first kid was Kim Namjoon. he was the smartass of the class. but one cannot deny the fact that he was hot af. i even had a mild crush on him in 6th grade. 

(A/N: Yes, here Joon is younger than Jimin. y'all can bear with it, right?)

while thinking about the embarrassing moments of my life when i had a crush on Namjoon, i didn't notice that Mr Park was already in front my desk.

"Ms Rouge Smith, is it?"

his voice pulled me out of the mild trance. i looked up and regretted it almost immediately. Mr Park was standing so close to my desk that his crotch was in my face.

i couldn't help but stare at his assets. there were only two possible causes of the strain in his pants : either i gave him a boner or he was actually so big that his dress pants didn't have enough space.

"ahem ahem, Ms Smith"

"yes, Mr Park" i looked up to his face by gathering all of my self control "is it my turn already?"

"yes Ms Smith. are you ready for it?"

"not at all" is what i thought. "absolutely" is what i said.

"okay, so here's your first question....." with this a tsunami of questions came rushing towards me. and i couldn't answer even a single one. maybe it was my unprepared state or distracted state because of the tight space in front of his pants or the soft imprint of his abs easily seen through his white dress shirt.

"your performance is very poor, Ms Smith" he added after ending his tsunami of questions. "you need to stay back after this class. i'll be teaching you personally. your base is too weak." 

the thought of staying back after class with Mr Park all alone sent shivers running down my spine. maybe i'll be able to check if he is really that big for myself. and make sure if he really has those abs by running my fingers over them. better yet use my tongue.

i mentally slapped myself when i realized what i was thinking about sub-consciously. i'm only taking this extra-class to make sure i pass bio. that's all.

at least that's what i tried to explain to my pricking  conscience.

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