South Park - Part 1

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"Good Morning Class, today we have a new student" The teacher motioned to me as they announced my arrival. I walk to the front of the classroom from the door. This 4th grade class room was large but everyone was seated really close together. They all look like they're good kids. I hope this class will be better than my old one in New York.

"Why don't you introduce yourself" They said as the sat at their desk to read a magazine.

"Um, Hi. My name is Bri. I'm originally from New York. I heard that this was a "PC" school so i'll identify. I'm Biromantic, meaning i like both girls and guys romantically. I'm a-gender, meaning I don't categorize myself into any gender rolls. I'm more into cinnamon rolls. I moved here from New York because my parents basically disowned me because of how I identify. They literally told me "if you're gay then you can move in with your gay aunt in Colorado". So, yea... I hope you guys have good enough pizza and bagels... Oh, also I have crippling anxiety and I'm a master at Minecraft PVP." After my well-rehearsed introduction, I look towards the class to see at their reaction. Silence. Blank faces.

"Faggot" A fat kid in a red coat and a blue and yellow hat said in a semi-whisper.

"You too." Everyone gasped at my comeback. "Bitch that's what I thought".

"Holy shit, the new kid is bad ass" a kid in a orange coat and a green hat says to another kid in a brown coat and a blue and red hat. A kid in a orange parka mumbled something, his mouth was covered by his hood. Wait, I've seen these kids before... Oh no.

"Welcome to the class Bri. Now, it is the middle of the year, can you tell us what you had learnt in your other class." The teacher asked me.

"I think we were on the 10 times tables or something with times tables." I responded.

"Oh, that's pretty ahead of our curriculum, times tables is our last unit. We are currently learning about the American Revolution."

"That was suppose to be our last unit. So we're fine, the curriculum is just flipped." I said. The class went on from there. I couldn't stop the thoughts of what I found. How do I tell them? A solid 40 minutes pass and finally the bell rings signalling that it is lunch time. While everyone gets up and heads to the door, a girl came up to me. She wore a pink hat and a light purple coat.

"Hey, welcome to the school. I'm Wendy. Your retort to Cartman was great, no one ever actually disses him. Let's get lunch together. I'll also show you around the school." Wendy asked.

"Okay, but before we go I have a question. Do you know about this?" I pull out my phone to show her a picture from my research.

"Yea, that's Craig and Tweek. They're in a relationship." She answered.

"WHAT. It's canon?"

"what does that mean."

"...nothing.... As I was saying. Did you know about this" I show her a different a picture.

" this?" She gave a confused look.

"It's better than I thought. So Creek has been exposed but nothing else. That's good. That's fine. I have to go... Where is the cafeteria?" I ask Wendy.

"Down the hall to the left." I ran to the cafeteria.

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