Sometimes we just know

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Victoria's POV

"I think, I like the prince" My sister Theresa said dreamingly.

I was drinking water and I choked out a bit, it was weird because I am going to marry that so called prince.

"You do know that I'm marrying him right?" I said calmly not looking her in the eye.

"I know, but you don't even like him. I bet I can convince mom and dad to let me marry him" She snapped proudly at me.

"Oh yeah, How do you know that I don't like him?" I whispered yelled at her.

"Because I see the way you look at him and then you like that William guy may I quote "nerd". She said testing my nerves.

"Nerd? Are you friggin kidding me? Yes I admit I like that silly old nerd but I like Prince William too and I don't know what to do". I spat venomously at her.

"You can't like both of them" She said exasperated.

I didn't hear her out because I ran downstairs and went to school. I haven't been in there since two weeks ago because I was sick and now I am so pissed off.

I punch the steering wheel and zoomed off.

I am late for my first class.

I hear banging and saw William punching Taylor who was on the ground, that wasn't what shock me, it was the fact that William just said that he was the prince and he deserve respect.

A prince? He's the prince?

He stared at me as I run and he chased after me but failed because well I turned on my engines and left.

I can't believe it, he was the prince.

He was that arrogant yet sweet guy.

My younger sister likes him, I love him.

It feels wrong.

"Why him?, why couldn't it be someone else". I said to myself as a tear escaped my eye, I really felt betrayed and fooled. Did he think that it was funny to see if I love the other side of him.

What is wrong with guys?.

I love Will, the nerd who I saw on my first day but I also like the prince. He's the same person, what could be so confusing as that?.


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