He is known for his cruelty. 

The whole country fears him.

"What do you want now??" Jason asked looking towards him just then he felt someone pull his hair tightly. 

He screamed in pain, as Fred tightened his fist on his hair. 

"Vows down" he hissed in anger, grabbing his jaw tightly, making him squeeze his eyes in pain.

"Leave him," Brandon said and Fred left him immediately. Though he wanted to teach him how to respect his boss, he can't defy his boss's command also.

For Fred, Brandon was everything. He gave him the chance to take his revenge, from his sister's murder, when Someone took advantage of his sister's innocence and left her to die. 

From that day, Fred is with Brandon, serving for him.

"So Jason, how was your date?" Brandon asked me casually. 

He was playing with him.

It took Jason a little time to realize what he was saying then he remembered about Claire.

She was also with me.

He looked around thinking worse of it.


"Where is she??" Jason asked Brandon.

"Don't worry, she is here itself and safe also but before you meet her, I have a surprise for you?" Brandon said, smirking which gives his breath to be stuck in his throat. 

Brandon looked towards Fred, and he nodded knowing what he should do next.

In no time, some of his men came with a man, whose hands were tied and was in the gunpoint, and who was struggling to stand upon his feet.

Jason's eyes widened seeing his father there.

"Don't do..this.Bran..." Jason cried when he saw his father getting tortured.

His men left Andrew and threw him near Jason. Jason shifted towards him and his expressions turned horrific.

"Dad..." he whispered, looking down to his hand with no fingers.

Bratt's cruelty has been started already. His eyes got filled with tears, he looked into his tired and cold eyes.

Brandon glared at both of the men, who were bleeding badly.

They deserve more of it.

"Andrew, how do you feel seeing your son in this condition and your wife hostage at your home, at the gunpoint," Brandon said revealing new things to Jason.

Andrew didn't react, as he knows this. He and his wife were in their house after the wedding function got over when Brandon's men attacked them and took him to Brandon.

He remembers how his wife was crying and got scared. He felt angry.

"One person is still missing from the family, your daughter......" Brandon said with a mischievous smile.

"Do whatever you want to do with me but remember your days are going to end soon?" Andrew said glaring at Brandon. 

He hates to vow down in front of him, he never liked her but Brandon is powerful that's why he decided to join another mafia gang.

Brandon clenched tight. 

"Dad,..please...Brandon, we are sorry...please..." Jason was trying to calm his father. He never wanted to do this but due to his father's stubbornness, they landed up in this condition. 

The next moment, Brandon got up and shot him in the head, making him dead on the spot. Jason screamed seeing his father's closed eyes.

His time has over

Brandon never tolerates disrespect. 


He was keeping his gun in his jacket but stopped suddenly. He gestured to his men to stay quiet.

There were two screams.

One of Jason's and one...

He turned and looked around and his blue eyes got locked with green eyes.

He saw at the window side, someone was standing. 

A girl.

With her hand on her mouth, her eyes were wide open, full of tears of terror. 

He saw, how her soft body was trembling under the fear. Droplets of sweat beads were shining on her forehead. 

They were looking into each other's eyes.

"Catch her" Fred yelled seeing a girl watching them, no one can see Brandon in his real mafia colour.

Brandon hears the running footsteps of his men, silently cries of Jason, but his eyes are stuck on that girl.

Brandon saw her eyes move from him to them, she took some trembling steps back and ran.

His men also ran after her to catch her, he was still standing there. Silently. 

Remembering her pain full eyes.

Soon in five minutes, his man returned and informed him something which pierced his heart, which he doesn't know why.

"Where is she??" He asked, his heart wanting to see those eyes.

"She died in an accident on the road." his man replied.

He sat quietly on his seat.

He felt something in his heart.

Maybe pain.


Soooo. ..yes, they met and also not.

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