part 14

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You never knew what love or even liking someone with all your heart!

But then there comes a moment when you start feeling butterflies which you always thought was stupid.

Those cold happy chills whenever you talked to this person were felt for the first time. You always just wondered what the hell butterflies in stomach meant but now you know this stupid thing as well.

You were totally unknown about what to do or how to. Still you gave your best shot without knowing if it's enough or too much to ask for.

The songs which sounded cringe and cheesy but now your feelings and heart seems to be dancing to those same lyrics.

That's what exactly Brandon and Claire we're going through. Sitting in a large mansion of his, Brandon was just thinking about Claire. Her eyes, her lips when she smiled slowly. Her soft cheeks when he touched them. Her taking a deep breath when he came a little closer to her, her everything made him crazy like hell 

He can't live away from her anymore. He wants her badly in his house, in his life and in his arms. And he is ready to kill anybody who came in his path. Whether it is from her family or from outside. He doesn't care. 



There was a strange kind of tension going on in Claire's family too. It was late in the night, Claire's parents went to Claire's room to talk to her. They can't take any decision without asking her state of mind or without asking her opinion. 

Today they are happy. Claire has taken some steps after days or should be saying after years. She went to meet the doctor herself, ThankGod they had hoped this time. 

Mathew got a better job opportunity, and even for dinner, Claire came downstairs to spend some time with her family. 

These were like getting ready for new life and taking to new steps slowly. They were shocked and surprised to admit but the coming of Brandon in their lives has indeed turned things for good. 

"Claire, My darling. Can we talk to you?" Mathew said coming inside her room. She was sitting in her bed, a half-lying position keeping her head on the head post. She had her eyes closed but they noticed something unusual. She was smiling in her thoughts. 

They looked at each other, Lauren nodded to him encouraging him to start the conversation. 

"Yes, Dad. Please come" Claire replies to them sitting straight in her position. They settled near her, her mother caressing her face lovingly. 

Her eyes brimmed with tears thinking about the possibility of her treatment. She would be able to see again, they would get her old happy daughter again. Her family's condition may get better. And everything is going to happen only because of one person. 


"We are so happy to see you relax today." Mathew said to her. She smiled at her concern. She knew she had hurt them a lot, because of her condition and then because of her behaviour. But Brandon's words have made her realize that she was doing wrong with her family. 

Being happy, this is the only thing her family wants in return from her. At least she can do this for them. 

"I had a good day, I felt fresh in the Park. Fresh and calm breeze and I ate Ice Cream and then Brandon took me to some beautiful place...which I couldn't see ... .but he described it to me. And I liked that place." She told them about her outing. They heard her carefully. They smiled hearing her cheering for a long time. 

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