chapter 24

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On the set of henry danger...

Jaces POV

"RIELE YOUR DOING IT WRONG !"Dan yelled out.

This has been happening all day....Dan is just so.stressed out because the fans all want more chenry too happen.

He wants it too but coming up with ideas that doesn't seem the same as the episodes is hard.

"Dude....take it easy on her she just got finish healing..." i said Dan scoffed "she can just suck it up...we've got bigger issues"he scowled

I sucked my teeth

"Dan let her rest, its just a show " i said and he glared "Jace do you understand this acting industry or not? Resting isnt allowed, you rest you dont get shit done" he yelled

Everyone looked and i rolled my eyes, ive honestly had it with him forcing us too do shit he gotta go with that.

"Are you fucking serious ? Do whatever the fuck you want with your acting bullshit but your gonna talk too my girlfriend like that ill beat the fuck outta you ! Rie lets go!" I said and wrapped my arm around her waist pulling her out

When we got outside she stopped me "Jace what are you doing!?" She said and took my arm away.

I froze and looked at her "Riele he was being so rude too you...he treats everyone else nice but you, you dont see that? " i said and she frowned "its apart of the job...i want too be an actor and i had too go through that stuff in order too stay on nick. He said if i told anyone he would take me off the show....i couldn't be away from you Jace.."she started too tear

I glared a bit " told anyone what Riele?" I asked

She fumbled with her fingers and looked down " uh....a few days before the crash i- Dan called me in too do a few more scenes that i messed up on" she said and i thought back and remembered when he called her in for that

"Yeah...i remember" i nodded "well he was being so rude calling me racist names, and he kept talking about how his people are better...its like ever since they allowed me on the show hes hated me" she started too tear

Anger started too boil in me i guess.Rie was able too tell cause.i started clenchin mt jaw and ignoring eye contact. She grabbed my hand and made me look at her

"Jace no dont worry...i dont have too ever work there again..but pls no drama"she pleaded and i sighed lookin at her, one thing about Riele is no matter how much hate and negativaty she gets she will never feed into it and cause more problems

She just lets it go or simply ignores. Its one of the things i love about her cause she teaches me the same thing.

"Rie how do you do it? Just not care about shit like this...i feel like knocking Dan tf out." I simply said and she looked down and tilted her head

"I just hate does bother me but not feeding into it makes me stronger" she shrugged i smiled a bit calming down and grabbed her hand and kiss her head "one of the reasons i love most about you..."


Idk why everything is short i gotta think of better chapters : /

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