Immortal Mystery.

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  • Dedicated to Omar Elsayes.


You must be wondering what this journal is about, well it’s the story of my life or to be more specific .it’s someone else’s life from my view, which its ending is still an unfulfilled mystery to me and it seems like it will always be a mystery.

So many things in this world is a mystery to us human beings. what we don't know is a lot  bigger than what we know. even the total knowledge that is discovered by us can't be fully gathered in  one person's mind.

You can always do your best to know.  Which will make you receive a lot of great experience and results; that will make you accomplish a lot in life, but still we can't be perfect  and we can't maintain every information that passed us by in life. Some things need a replay to remind us of the lessons of life. Some stuff would never reach us but still we shouldn't give up.

But there are certain things in life that we will never know, that our great effort and expectations won't be met, and might possibly have bad results in our faith or sanity and many other things. So some things we have to make our minds satisfied that we are not meant to know in this life. That God have let on us a certain amount of knowledge the humanity race will reach and for every person an amount of knowledge he or she will receive too.

But that is something that has a very mysterious connection with faith. You can’t possibly ever know your future, but you can make it by every decision and choice you make in life. Your fate is already decided but don’t think that it’s not in your hands to change matters in life. It's the other way around in my opinion fate is a result of what we do. it's hard to describe but what God made us special with is that we have a mind of our own, so what happens to us is a result of our choices and beliefs or tests in life that we should pass to decide our fate.

'cause after all we are being judged by what we do, because we always have a decision. We just can't see it so clearly sometimes. And there is always hope no matter what till our last breath. So we should take our chances to brighten our coming futures and we should thank God for this privilege that he bestowed on us and use it carefully with wisdom.

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