The Vampire Across THe Street is Taking My Heart :) . . . Should I Let Him ? ? Chapter 4 - Part 1

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Ok i'm sorta sad nobody's really voting or commenting :( I dont care what kind of comment it is good or bad Trust me I need all the help I can get. ;) This being my first story and all . lol so please tell me something ??!!!!! Well here goes ..


Chapter 4 : Part 1

Julissa's P.O.V.

I saw a weird expression on his face as Ally left so I decided to explain why she looked so scared.

"Her mom is really strict. When Ally doesn't answer her phone her mom either get's really mad, or worries thinking the worst thing ever happened to her."I said breaking the weird silence.

"Hm , so what's the worst thing ever in her mom's point of view.?"

"I dont know kidnapping? I dont really see her mom that often anymore I'm usually home and she always comes to my house instead of he other way around."

"Are your parent's strict ?"

"My mom travels a lot selling her 'world famous clothing line' I said with my fingers in the air around the last four words."So I wouldn't call her strict, seeing as to she's never even here most of the time and Well my dad passed away when I was 14."I said feeling that I could talk to Erik about anything and everything.Then I felt a silent tear fall down my cheek.

"Oh I'm sorry Julie."He said in a surprisingly caring voice.

"Wait what'd you just call me?"I asked shocked shocked at the sound of the nickname I havn't heard since my dad had left.

"I said Julie , I'm sorry I'll call you Julissa if you dont like----"but I cut him off.

"No it's fine , I do like it my dad used to call me that all the time"I said smiling weakly.

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