Forgiveness (Freed and Juvia Brotp)

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Freed felt guilty about his past, and how he treated Juvia. He always thought she was a bad person because of her old guild, but how wrong he was, how he watched her sacrifice herself for Cana, so she didn't have to fight her. Juvia was the only one of the guild who didn't resort to fighting.

He sat at the table, looking at his drinking, resting his head in his palm. 'How could I ever have been so mean?' He thought, he looked up to find Juvia breaking up a fight between Gray, and Natsu.

He watched how she giggled at their silliness, he was gonna do it, he stood up, and walked over to her. "Um Juvia, I'm sorry." He said looking down at his feet. She raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Sorry for what?" She asked.

"That time, I made you and Cana fight, I hated you so much for your background, that I never saw the good in you, and thought you were phantom trash." He said tearing. Juvia stood in silence.

"I forgave you a long time ago, I never hold a grudge. She said smiling. He looked at her in shock. "But why? I was so horrible to you, I nearly killed you." He said. She shook her head.

"I deserved it, you had no idea that I wasn't going to betray Fairy Tail, you had the right to hate me, I was from the enemy guild, the guild that nearly destroyed your guild, the guild that kidnapped Lucy." Juvia said, Freed shook his head.

"I should've known you were good." He said tearing up, Juvia started crying. "It's my fault." She said, he shook his head, "no it's my fault" he said.

They both hugged while hugging. Natsu and Gray, just stood there dumbfounded of what just happened. They watched as Juvia and Freed walked away talking about something. "What just happened?" Gray asked sweat dropping, Natsu shrugged. "Don't ask me"

Freed, and Juvia sat together talking about stuff. "So Freed who do you like?" Juvia asked, Freed fiddled with his thumbs. "I like Laxus." He said blushing. Juvia put her hands to her mouth and squealed. "So adorable!" She said, Freed shushed her.

"Who do you like Juvia?" He asked, Juvia blushed and looked in the direction of both Natsu and Gray, Freed smirked. "A love triangle, I see." He said, she playfully smacked him. "Shush, they'll hear you." She said.

As they talked more they realized, they had so much in common. Like food, tv, colors, scents, and so much more. They told each-other jokes, and laughed at each-others silliness.

"I'm going to get you and Laxus together." Juvia said as she pumped the air with her fists in excitement, Freed choked on his water. "What?!" He said, while coughing. Juvia smirked. "You heard me." She said as she ran over to Laxus.

Freed hid his eyes, in his hands covering his blush. He looked up to see Juvia talking to Laxus, gesturing towards him. 'Oh this looks bad' he thought.

Laxus stood up, and walked over to him. "Um hello Laxus." Freed said, looking at his hands. Laxus hugged him. "You should've told me." He said, Freed blushed. Laxus broke the hug and kissed Freed, Freed kissed him back.

Juvia and Mira were in the background, screaming with joy. "YES!!!" Natsu shouted high-fiving Gray, and Lucy.

After a while Juvia and Freed were talking. "Thank you, Juvia I am in your debt." He said bowing. Juvia patted his head. "I'm just happy, you and Laxus got together."

"My turn!" Freed Said dragging Juvia by her hand towards Gray, and Nastu. "Huh?" She said, puzzled. Freed stopped in front of the boys, pushing Juvia in front of him. "So Gray, and Natsu." He said.

They looked up, and asked. "What?" Freed smirked. "Well I got told by a little birdy, that she likes you both, and can't pick between you two." He said.

Gray and Natsu looked at eachother in confusion. "Who's the little birdy?" They asked, Juvia tried to escape, Freed grasp, but he was a lot stronger than she thought. "Actually she's right here." He said pointing to Juvia.

Both Natsu, and Gray looked at eachother, then to Juvia, then to Freed, then back at eachother. "She's mine!" Before tackling eachother. Juvia and Freed sweat dropped.

"What just happened?" Freed asked.

This oneshot is dedicated to ElizabethParise I hope you like it

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