His Million Watt Smile: Part 3

Start from the beginning

"Yeah everyone in theater does, but..." I said as he interrupted me.

"Great, you're going to sing harmony." He said pulling sheet music out of his pocket and laying it on the piano.

"But, I don't know this song, and I don't usually sing much other than..." he interrupted again.

"Less thinking, more singing." He said moving his hands over the keys skillfully. I watched in amazement almost missing my que. I sang best I could hitting the notes singing lyrics unknown to me. It was a love song about unexpected love being found everywhere. He joined in with me at the chorus our harmony echoing through the empty room. I smiled at him and walked around the piano so I could look at him as I sang. He stood up at the piano, dancing as he played, his face inches from mine, our voices completely in synch. He slowed the piano and I walked back around to read the lyrics one last time. The song slowed to a stop and he just stared at the sheet music. "So?" he asked.

"I didn't know you played the piano." I said still beaming at him. That was the most fun I had had in weeks. He shook his head.

"Yeah I play guitar, drums, and a few other things too, but that's not what I meant." I just stared at him in confusion "The song?" he asked

Realization came over me "That was yours?" I half screamed. He nodded his eyes glowing; he clearly liked the attention. "That was amazing! I can't believe you wrote that! I mean not that you wouldn't write something amazing or anything but still. That was so great." I babbled trying to think of a real adjective that might actually be worthy of my amazement. He smiled that million watt smile of his and my heart picked up speed. I looked down at the piano and tapped at the C key.

"Do you play anything?" he asked still grinning.

"Yupp." I said smiling.

"What?" He asked.

"Guess." I said. He opened his mouth to speak but the door opened and Jenny, the teachers' pet, came running in, wheezing as if she had just run a marathon.

"You guys have to get out there, Miss. Parkinson is freaking out." She wheezed at us. Sean closed the piano lid and grabbed my hand, pulling me up the stairs and out the door. Finally after class had ended I walked around to find my brother for my ride home. Finally I found him wrapped around an always smiling Sandra.

"Hey, there you are." Lyle said as I walked up "Hey sis do you think you can find a ride home? Me and Sandra wanted to go out today." He said looking at her and smiling.

"Yeah, sure." I said smiling.

"Great, don't wait up. I'll be home late." He chuckled still looking at Sandra like she was his whole world. I made a gagging nose as they walked away. I sighed deciding I should just accept the fact that I would never find a ride home, when Sean walked up behind me.

"Sounds like you need a way to get home." He said grinning at me. I ignored the feeling pulsed through every inch of my body the second I saw him.

"It seems that way." I said.

"Great, common." He said grabbing my hand like he did earlier. I blushed and looked at the floor and pulled my hand away gently. He led me to a cute silver Prius. I sighed and shook my head at his car. The car would be the thing to push my parents over the edge. If I brought him home they would love him no matter what. They were both such echo freaks that anyone with a hybrid car was a friend of theirs. I was going to have to think up more creative excuses not to like him. "Do you have something against my car?" he asked catching my reaction. I shook my head and he opened the door for me. He was a gentleman... I was going to have to be *really* creative. I watched him as he walked around the front of the car and got in on his side. "So do you have any plans today?" he asked as he started the car.

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