Chapter 23

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Jericho found out the woman's name was Janice.

He stood behind her while she dialed the phone with her good hand. The other one was wrapped up in a bandage. The blood had soaked through forming a scarlet flower.

She shook so hard she messed up the number twice. Pale and weak, she could barely stand so she held herself up on the counter by her elbows.

Jericho did not offer to help her.

The phone rang. No one answered. Janice clenched her eyes shut biting her lip so hard it bled. Jericho waited. She dialed again. Just as it was about to click over to voice mail the line picked up.

"It's me."

"Our business is done."

"I need more money."

"I told you our business is done."

"For God's sake please, please. I need more money. The Lesser-Bred came to the Clinic. He bit off my thumb." She gagged and her knees buckled. Jericho watched Janice crumple to the floor. She cradled the receiver next to her head.

Jericho could hear the man on the other end breathing. No emotion, not sympathy. The only thing Alchemist ever shared with Kin.

"I need your help." Janice broke down into tears.

"What did you tell him?"

"Nothing. He's going to kill me. I wouldn't tell him so he's going to kill me."

"Where is he now?"

Janice's scared gaze came up. Jericho nodded. She would tell the Alchemist exactly what he'd told her to say. Jericho was sure of it.

"He's out looking for you. On foot."

"And you plan on getting away from him."

"If you give me more money I can leave now. Take a bus. He can't track a bus."

"Same meeting spot, be there in thirty minutes."

Janice hung up the phone. She didn't look at Jericho when she asked, "What now?"

"You take a taxi and meet with them. They give you the money. You get on a bus and you leave. Never come back here." She nodded.

Dr. Meyer stepped into the doorway her face was pale. "There's been another delivery."

Jericho's stomach clenched and his heart ached. He held his composure. "Bring me the package."

"Are you sure?"

"Please, Dr. Meyer." To Janice he said, "Stand up."

She did. Sweat made her hair stick to her cheeks. There were dark circles under her eyes. Jericho pushed her out in front of him. Dr. Meyer met him in the hall, the large envelope in her hand.

"Take it."

Janice looked up at him.

"You heard me, take it."

Her hand shook and the package rattled. "Now open it."

She shook her head.

"Open the package Janice."

Her gaze went to Dr. Meyer, then Jericho, then the envelope. She had to tear it open with her teeth.

"Look inside."

"Please don't make me..."

"He's nine years old. Now look inside."

She did and a new stream of tears washed over her cheek. "Oh, God. I'm so sorry. I didn't know, I swear I didn't know."

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