The red crayon (4)

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The red crayon is a sad and disturbing story about a young couple who buy a house that comes complete with an unsolved mystery. It is a based on a  Japanese urban legend.

A married couple, who had just returned from their honeymoon  decided to buy a house. The couple were very happy because they manage to get the house at a very cheap price. It was a nice neighborhood, close to the city and just a short walk from the shopping center.

One day,the husband was walking down the hall when he spotted a red crayon laying on tye floor. The couple didn't have any children, so the husband wandered where the crayon had come from.

"Perhaps the previous residents left it behind " he said to himself as he casually threw it in the trash.

The next day, the husband come from work. He find other red crayon laying on the same spot. He was very puzzled and decided to ask his wife about it.

The wife grew pale in her face when he brought it up. She told him, every day since they first moved into the house,she had been finding red crayons when she was cleaning. They were always laying on the same spot at the end of the hallway.

The husband was standing in the hallway, wondering about this wird phenomenon, when he began to notice something was not quite right. The hall way was too short.

He tapped on the wall at the end of the hallway and heard a hollow sound. Curious, he begin to peeling off the wallpaper despite the protests of his wife.

Behind the wallpaper, they found a pair of sliding doors.  It was as if someone  had carefully hidden the entrance to a closet or a  small room.

The husband that the sliding doors had been nailed shut. He got a hammer from his toolbox and begain prying out the nails, one by one.

After pulling out the last nail, he slowly opened the sliding door to the revel the small hidden room. Looking inside, they saw that the white walls of the little space were covered with words scribbles in the red crayon.

Over and over again write write the words "mommy I'm sorry let me out mommy I'm sorry let me out mommy im sorry let me out... "

A/n :sad right?  Poor little kid. Yah btw this isn't my story i just rewrite it. I read it somewhere before.

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