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Chapter 2

I sat in my father's spinning black desk chair while I waited for him to come in from the practice he was running. The team had today off to prepare for their 3 game series against the Dodgers at Marlins Park. I had thrown on the black BP trainer jersey I found in my dad's office and I was playing music through out the clubhouse as I created a line-up for my father for tonight's game on his computer. 

As I was finishing up the lineup listening to American Idiot by Green Day, the door to my father's office opened and I smiled brightly, looking up at the face that I've learned to love so well!

"Donald!" I giggled and my father shook his head, turning the music down. 

"Don't worry you're much more than an American Idiot! You're an American dumbass Logan!" My father hissed, rolling his eyes as he wheeled his chair away from the desk, looking at the lineup I typed up for him. "Would you look at that!" He laughed softly, turning to face me. "You're 20 years of softball payed off Logan!" My father smiled as he looked at the tray of coffees picking one for himself. 

"Did you like my lineup?" I smiled and he nodded as he took a sip of his coffee. 

"It's actually really good!" He smiled proudly and he placed his coffee down on his desk. "But you're lineup isn't bad either!" He smirked, crossing his arms as he leaned agains this desk. 

"Gee, thanks Donald!" I hissed, standing up. He laughed loudly, hugging me as I stood in front of him. 

"I missed my little girl!" He smiled as he hugged me tightly. At first I just stood there not hugging him back but once he let go of me, I hugged my father tightly. 

"I missed you too dad!" I gulped as my father chuckled, wrapping his arms around me. 

"Bad things happen to great people Loges! I'm proud of how you've handled this situation and just remember Jason would be extremely proud of you! I love you to the moon and back Logan!" My father gulped, kissing the side of my head as I buried my face in his neck. 

"I love you too!" I gulped, stepping back to look into my father's eyes. "Even though I'm mad about you making me leave LA, I know you just have my best interest at heart and I couldn't thank you enough!" I smiled brightly my father laughed, pulling out his phone. 

"Would you remind repeating that? I want to put it as my ringtone!" He smirked and I rolled my eyes, laughing as I threw my purse on my shoulder. 

"You just have to ruin everything!" I sighed as the door opened slightly revealing a tall boy with dark hair. 

"Oh, I'm sorry Don I didn't know that you were busy! I'll come back later!" The boy gulped, glancing at me then back at my father. 

"Don't worry about it Christian, she's actually leaving anyways! Before you leave, here." My father handed me a car key and I laughed, shaking my head. 

"Of course! You've always wanted to be m because you always knew I'd grow up to be better than you ever were!" I smirked, looking at the key to my father's white Audi Q5. 

"Shut up Logan and get out!" My father laugh, shaking his head as he looked at the boy. "Christian can you call Jose and tell him to take her somewhere? He's the only one that can tolerate her for more than 5 minutes!" My father sighed and Christian laughed slightly as he peeked out into the clubhouse. 

"Jose, Mattingly wants you." He yelled and I smiled as the boy turned back around.  

"By the way, Logan this is one of my star outfielders Christian. Christian, this is my least favorite daughter Logan!" My father smiled and I laughed, sticking out my hand. 

"I'm also his only child!" I giggled and Christian laughed as he shook my hand. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you Logan!" He smiled as Jose walked in. 

"Do I get babysitting duties?" Jose smiled brightly and my father nodded. Jose's jaw dropped as he looked at me. "Get your party shoes ready little Mattingly! It's a team party night tonight!" He laughed loudly, screaming as he ran back out to the locker room. 

"Wait up!" I laughed, running after him.

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