chapter 7..................

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ok then here is chapter 7....

i hope you guys enjoy it

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chapeter 7

It was Monday morning, which meant all my lessons were with Paige before lunch, and I’m so excited to see him again, Sabina is happy too after hearing the details yesterday while idalina has no idea I bet she’ll be happy too, she didn’t find out yesterday cuz she was with kaanon the whole day yesterday so I didn’t have time to tell her. I decided to wear a white sleeveless dress with green tulips on it and tied my hair into a loose pony tail. I met idalina and Sabina in the car as always but I slept  today again like I was doing for the past week I had got used to seeing Paige so my sleep habit was back, when we reached the school I was getting my books out of my locker when idalina goes

“So what did you do yesterday, were you busy sleeping?” she asked teasingly

“Nope” I said pooping the ‘p’

“aww, somebody did something better than sleeping “ idalina said turning to me

“Yeah, Paige asked her to go to the movies with her and they watched a scary movies and ulima was cuddling up with him” Sabina said not taking a breath

“And then they went over to eat something and he called her ‘his girl’ to this bitch that came to disturb them” Sabina continued

“He just said it to get away from that girl, no big deal” I said shrugging and closed my locker

“What?!!?” idalina said shocked “don’t hang out with him, you don’t even know him” idalina said

“Well she’s getting to know him better” Sabina said

“Well you shouldn’t be going out with him, you’re supposed to be studying you know exams week are coming” idalina said

“Uh you were with kaanon yesterday, if you remember?” I said

“hey no need to get angry, we just went to watch the movie and then I dropped her off at 7 so she still had  two hours to study, if she wanted to” Paige said

“Am I talking to you” idalina said angrily and walked off

“What happened” I asked

“Somebody’s pride that was kept in a fortress is finally out” Sabina said and started laughing when she saw my reaction

“I’m just kidding” she said still laughing

I shook my head at her. And we headed to our physics class no one saying anything

We were still doing our project, and today we were supposed to finish it so I was helping out Sabina today cuz we still had a lot to go through, and we kept talking too so it would take extra long, we kept talking and laughing already forgotten about what happened earlier.

“Sabina, ulima you have been talking continuously, Sabina pair up with Mac and ulima pair up with Mable” miss lacey said firmly

Sabina was shocked so much that her mouth was hanging open and she didn’t bother closing it, she was refusing to look at Mac in the eyes and tried to come up with a plausible excuse so she could still work with me and not go off to Mac these two can really not get along. None of her excuses worked and she walked silently off to Mac’s table and Mable walked over to mine, gah!! Now I’m stuck with her, great!! From the corner of my eye I saw Mac and Sabina arguing and they were pulling the generator board both willing to do it themselves, I couldn’t make out what they were saying but it didn’t look good they were practically hissing at each other. And then the generator board broke and they both stared at it in shock.

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