chapter 2..........

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hope you guys like it .....i'm so nervous ....plz comment and maybe vote if you like it and let me know how its going

there is a picture on the right that is "Ulima" ........................>>>.>>>.>>>>>>>.>.>




chapter 2.......................................

“Ulima you’re going to be late hurry up, your friends are going to be here any minute” my mum screamed at the top of her lungs.

So I got out of my room and started making my way down the stairs when my mom gasps and puts her hand on her heart when she sees me! I  don’t need to ask her why the reason she’s acting like this is cuz she usually has to drag me out of my bed but today I feel  giddy in hopes of seeing the new guy again

“Good morning star shine, the earth says hello” my mum beamed

I loved it when she imitated Johnny Depp and hearing Johnny Depp’s quote in the morning well, what a nice start. I sat down at the kitchen table and was eating the toast when I heard the car honk outside which means Sabina and Idalina were here to pick me up. I’m making my way to the door when my mum says

“Bye honey, I love you!”

“I love Johnny depp too! Love you! Bye!”

The weather was lovely the bright sun shining on my face, you know the awesome feeling you get when the chilly wind is blowing but the sun rays hitting your face. It was a nice weather for autumn and I had decided on wearing black tight jeans and a plain white shirt. Well everything was going perfect so far made me positive and less nervous to talk to the new dude.

 “Good morning lovely ladies” I greeted them getting in the back seat with Sabina

“Good morning “both of them replied

I started talking which is so not me cuz I usually sleep in the car until we reach the school, yes! I’m not a morning person.

“What’s with the sunshine and rainbow attitude “Sabina asked curiously

“I’m planning on talking to the new dude “I said radiant with joy

Just at the mention of the new guy we both jerked forward in our seat cuz of the sudden brake of the car!

“Holy crap, what was that for? “I asked wide-eyed

“She wanted to see if you’re really awake or sleep talking” said Sabina

“Uh, I, um, nothing” strutted Idalina

Ok this is just plain weird every time the new guy is mentioned she’s seems to act as if we’re talking about spooky stories. We reached the school and Idalina said she wasn’t feeling well and wanted to go home she didn’t look sick or anything but maybe she is considering the way she’s behaving. Idalina moved here  8 months ago so I can’t really tell what’s up with her until she tells me straight I can’t read her, but for Sabina I know everything about her , I’ve know her for as long as I can remember .

“What’s up with her?” sabs asked looking puzzled

“I don’t know, like she said she’s feeling sick” I said wondering if that was really the case

“No duh” Sabina said rolling her eyes

We headed toward our lockers not saying much! All three of us had lockers next to each other and you wouldn’t’ believe when I tell you this. I saw the new guy putting his books is his locker which was right next to Idalinas’ and my locker was right next to Idas’. I was getting my books out and feeling blissful when Sabina whispered “it’s your chance, go on Cinderella do something”

“Alright, I’ll bump into him and pretend it was an accident, wish me luck fairy god mother” I winked and then I took two steps ,3, 4, “oops , I’m sorry didn’t see you there “ I even opened  my eyes wide to add effect on my surprised face but I didn’t needed much effort , he was so gorgeous close up! His brown eyes bore into my blue ones. Seriously if I was chocolate I would have melted, not to mention he had his arm around my waist to prevent me from falling, I could honestly stay like this forever, but no such luck

“Are you ok” he asked helping me stand properly. Gosh his voice was like music to my ears, I kept repeating in my head ’ohmigodohmigodohmigodohmigod’ but I just said

“Yea I’m cool, bytheway I’m Ulima” I said putting my hand out

“I’m Paige, Paige Chan, it’s nice to meet you “he said shaking my hand ok I’m feeling ecstatic now.

Sabina who was standing beside me said her hellos and introduction! We were both beaming at him and deep in our thoughts, I was thinking what a gentlemen he was when he cut both of our thoughts by saying

“Where is Idalina?”


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