Austin & Ally Movie (Part 8)

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Austin's house...

Ally: What should we do now?    

Austin: I don't know. Maybe we could sing the duet we wrote for your mom's book release party!  

Ally: Ok!                                          

Austin/Ally: *sings*                      


When you're on your own
Drowning alone
And you need a rope that can pull you in
Someone will throw it


And when you're afraid
That you're gonna break 
And you need a way to feel strong again
Someone will know it

Austin and Ally:

And even when it hurts the most
Try to have a little hope
That someone's gonna be there when you don't
When you don't

If you wanna cry, I'll be your shoulder
If you wanna laugh, I'll be your smile
If you wanna fly, I will be your sky
Anything you need that's what I'll be 
You can come to me


You struggle inside
Losing your mind
Fightin' and tryin', to be yourself

Austin and Ally:

And somebody lets you
Out in the cold But nowhere to go
Feeling like no one can understand
But somebody gets you

So take a breath and let it go
And try to have a little hope
'Cause someone's gonna be there when you don't 
When you don't

If you wanna cry, I'll be your shoulder
If you wanna laugh, I'll be your smile
If you wanna fly, I will be your sky
Anything you need that's what I'll be
You can come to me


Like a chain that never breaks (Austin: Chain that never breaks)
Like a truth that never bends (Austin: Truth that never bends)
Like a glue that takes a broken heart and puts it back again (Austin: Puts it back again)
It's the feeling that you get (Austin: Feeling that you get)
It's the moment that you know (Austin: Moment that you know)
Like no matter what the future holds

Austin and Ally:

You'll never be alone
If you wanna cry, (Ally: Oooooohhh yeah) I'll be your shoulder (Austin: I will be your shoulder)
If you wanna laugh, I'll be your smile (Ally: Be your smile) (Austin: I will be your smile)
If you wanna fly, I will be your sky
Anything thing you need that's what I'll be (Austin: Anything you need) (Austin: Anything you'll be) (Ally: Beeeeeeee)

If you wanna climb, I'll be your ladder (Ally: Be your ladder)
If you wanna run, I'll be your road (Austin: I will be your road)
If you want a friend, (Ally: If you want a friend) doesn't matter when (Austin: Doesn't matter when)
Anything you need, (Ally: Anything you'll need) that's what I'll be
You can come to me


You can come to me


Ally: That was awesome!     

Austin: Yeah it was! You where great Ally!               

Ally: Thanks! You where great to!  

Austin: Thanks!                               

Ally: Your welcome! So what do we do now, Austin?                       

Austin: I don't know! What do you want to do next?                                 

Ally: I don't care it's up to you.             

Austin: Want to play the board game a few more times?                

Ally: Sure! That is a great idea!      

Austin: Ok I'll set it up.                     

Ally: Do you need help?                

Austin: Na I'm good!                       

Ally: Ok!     

Austin and Ally play the board game...


Ally: Yeah, but... *gets a Sorry card* SORRY!!!! *bumps Austin's yellow player back home*

Austin: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ally: HAHAHAHAHAHAH! *notices that she needs a 5 to win* *picks up card and gets a 5* You're gonna hate me for this.

Austin: *stops saying 'NOOOOO'* What?!

Ally: *moves player into home and she wins*

Austin: HUH?!!

Ally: HAHA! YOU LOST! I WON! I'M THE WINNER!!! WHOOOO!!!! *starts doing her signature dance (The Ally Way)*

Austin: *sees she's not paying attention* *sneaks up behind her and tickles her*

Ally: NO! AUSTIN! STOP!!! HAHAH! ST-OP!!! *says in between laughs*

Austin: No!!!

Ally: What *laugh* did I ever *laugh* do to yo- *laugh* -u?!!?

Austin: You won the game!!! *tackles her on the bed and continues tickling her*

Ally: It's not my fault that the game loves me!!! *tries pushing him off*

Austin: *still tickling her* YES IT IS!!!! AND I'M NOT STOPPING UNTIL YOU APOLOGIZE!!!! *baby voice*

Ally: *laughs* Austin!!!

Austin: Ally!!! *mocking Ally*

Ally: Please.. Let me go!!!

Austin: NOT UNTIL YOU SAY SORRY!!!! *baby voice*

Ally: FINE!!! I'm... Sorry!

Austin: *stops tickling her* Yay.

Ally: *tackles him so that she's on top of him on the bed*

Austin: HEY! That's not berry nice Ally!!! *baby voice*

Ally: Shut up. *kisses him*

Austin: *kisses back* *pulls away for a second* That wasn't fair, but oh well...

They kiss...
At Sonic Boom...

Trent: *walks out of the practice room* YES! I got all the copies of their CDs! Have fun sending in the wrong music... *evil laugh* *leaves out the back door that wasn't locked*

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