Austin & Ally Movie (Part 7)

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At Sonic Boom...

Trish: *texting Dez* Dez where r u? hurry up!!!
Dez: *texting Trish* I'm coming!
Trish: Well hurry up!
Dez: Uh oh.
Trish: What?
Dez: Austin and Ally r right here!
Trish: Where?
Dez: Look outside the door.
Trish: *looks* Oh no! Um... Come through the back door of Sonic Boom! Quick!
Dez: Ok.

Austin and Ally walk through the front door as Dez runs through the back door...

Dez: *runs up to practice room* *places CDs as they were before* *runs back downstairs*

Trish: *whispers to Dez* Did you put the CDs the way they were?

Dez: *whispers* Yeah.

Austin and Ally walk into Sonic Boom...

Austin/Ally: Hey guys!                  

Trish/Dez: Hey!                            

Trish: Trent and Dallas came to Sonic Boom. I think Dallas likes me. Oh! Trent needs help finding a guitar. He wants you guys to help him find the right one.          

Ally: Why do you think Dallas likes you and why was he here with Trent?                                          

Trish: He kept calling me babe. Also Dallas works for Trent now.

Ally: Dallas works for Trent? And called you babe? That's weird.    

Trish: I know right. Then Trent acted weird and rushed off to write a song.                               

Austin: Last time he did that he stole a cd. Did you check him?    

Trish: No. But Dez did! But Trent slid them under the door. Good news is they where songs Austin has already sang so it won't be new. Then so you didn't notice Dez got the ones Austin gave him and put them where the others where.                                          

Ally: How did he get them under the door? Dallas probably helped him with it. It's really hard to get things under the door.                   

Trish: Me and Dez should probably go now.                            

Ally: We're just here to lock up he store.                

Dez/Trish walk out...
Ally closes door and locks it...

Austin: Alright let's go back to my house.                                          

Ally: Ok just can we stop at my house on the way so I can get clothes?                                         

Austin: *Laughs* Sure! *Smiles*  

Austin/Ally: *Laugh*

Austin and Ally walk out of Sonic Boom...

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