Ushijima Wakatoshi (1)

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You sighed as you sat in the common area of the dorms, your roommate had locked you out of your shared dorm so she could have "alone time" with her boyfriend. You had your English homework laid out infront of you. You thought the language was dumb. What's the point of a compound sentence, or a complex sentence and why the hell could they be combined into a compound-complex sentence.

"Having a hard time (f/n)-chan?" You heard the sickly sweet voice of your abusive ex. He didn't hit you but he knocked down your self esteem and your mental well being so much. It took the help of your best friend Tendou Satori to finally get better and get away from him. Well Tendou and his teammates.

"Go away, Miyuki-kun." You snap, you were better again and you didn't need him making you doubt yourself again.

He eyes you, "You look lonely, need someone to warm you?" He grins, you could have swore his teeth were pointed. You were about to snap back at him but someone did it before you could.

"Maybe you should leave." You Look up to see Tendou, he was standing with Ushijima.

"I agree." Ushijima says, crossing his arms. Miyuki pales at the threatening look on their faces and scurries away.

They slide into the seats across from you and you throw a grateful smile at them. "Thanks." You breathe

"He shouldn't even look at you." Ushijima says, glaring in the general direction that Miyuki had walked away toward.

"Wakatoshi-kun saw him hovering, we waited for him to walk over to you." Tendou smiled, "Then we wanted to beat him up."

You grin, "thanks guys, I really appreciate it."

"No problem." Ushijima says, "Anyways, why are you out here and not in your room?"

"Kaori-chan, wanted time with her boyfriend." You sigh and roll your eyes and they frown

"Again? I swear those too fuck like rabbits." Tendou grins

"You can stay in our dorm overnight, cause we all know Yuki-San won't be done anytime soon and it's getting late." Ushijima says, they had four to a dorm room in Shiratorizawa but Ushijima and Tendou only had 3 in theirs, they also shared with Semi.

"Are you sure? Would I be able to shower?" You ask, you felt worry settle in your stomach.

"Of course." Ushijima nodded, You beamed and gathered your books and made your way to their dorm. They followed behind. You knew the way because you visited Tendou so much.

Once you entered Semi looked at you with an raised eyebrow. You shrug off your gym bag and regular backpack.

"I'm staying the night, Kaori-chan-" you started

"I already know where your going with this. Go shower." Semi was a pretty observant guy, he looked at you. Sweat from your practice made your hair look nasty.

Ushijima And Tendou settled into their beds. Since they only had three to their room, there wasn't exactly an extra bed. Semi and Tendou slept on a bunk while Ushijima got a larger bed. Which you would have to share with him.

You jumped into the shower and washed quickly, then you got out and put your spandex shorts on and the clean sports bra but you lacked a shirt. You cracked open the door.

"Um, can I borrow a sweatshirt or something?" You ask, Ushijima takes a purple volleyball sweatshirt and throws it across the room. You catch it pulling it into the bathroom you pull it over your head. It goes down to exactly where your spandex end, and the sleeves, you could fit another pair of your hands inside. It was baggy and comfortable. It smelled like him too, not to be weird. But he smells amazing.

You walk out and twirl. "I could almost be one of your volleyball hoes." You joke but no one laughs. Each of them just stare. "You guys suck." You mutter.

"(F/n)-chan..." Semi is blushing, he looks at where the sweatshirt ends. Ooooh! They must have thought you didn't have anything under. You lift it and reveal your spandex.

"Eita-kun. Don't stare at her." Ushijima rumbles from his bed. You look at him and he's not wearing a shirt making you flush. Then you realize none of them are. You legit almost have a nosebleed right there. No doubt.

"You're staring." He retorts

"Of course, I can't not stare at a cute girl wearing my clothes." Ushijima States this like its the most obvious thing in the world. This makes you turn a whole new shade of red, like as red as a fire truck.

"Shut up." You mumble and climb into Ushijimas bed, your surprised at the warmth that you feel. "Night guys." You say softly. They all say some form of goodnight and Tendou shuts off the light.

You roll over, your back facing Ushijima. You can hear his steady breathing, his closeness and it makes your heart pound in your ears. As he falls asleep his breathing evens out and you roll over. You look at his face, moonlight was streaming through the window above the bed onto his face, illuminating it.

You stated for awhile before reaching out, suddenly his hand grabbed yours and his eyes opened, "you watch people while they sleep?" He whispers

"Uh, oh my god no, it's just, I dunno." You stumble over your words, he gently pulls you toward him.

"Shh, just sleep." He mutters as you rest your head on his arm, In the crook of his neck. Your heart beat faster and louder. Your stomach was doing flips and tricks.

"I can't." You say after awhile of trying.

"Why?" He asks, pulling back slightly too Look down at you.

"You." I say softly.

Without another word he leans down and presses a soft kiss to your lips. It was gentle, and when you kissed back it became passionate. His fingers buried in your hair. But they move down to your legs. He flips you ontop if him. You lean down quickly and reconnect your lips. His fingers dig into your thighs and you let out a little breath.

"Wakatoshi..." you whisper, trying to suppress little whines as he sucks and bites your neck, "Eita-kun And Satori-kun are still here."

"I know, but now they know your mine." He brushes his thumb over where his lips had just been. He'd made a hickey.

You roll off of him but lay your head on his chest. "Soooo? We're dating." You question.

"Yes. Now sleep." He mumbles kissing the top of your head and you grin. Easily slipping into sleep after.

In the morning Eita and Tendou poke fun at you, as you and Ushijima wake.

"Your just jealous because she looks good in my clothes." Ushijima snickers slipping a hand under his sweatshirt to rub soothing circles.

"Yeah totally." Tendou laughs winking at the both of you.

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