Semi Eita (1)

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It wasn't well known that Semi Eita was hotheaded, he had a serious and cool exterior.

Though you knew he was quite hotheaded and it didn't take much to set him off. You had been his best friend all your life. Well, except in Highschool.

Semi and You split off into different groups, afterschool activities kept both of you busy and so you stopped talking all together. It bothered you at first cause you had liked him in your first year of Highschool. But now you had a boyfriend who shared all of your interests and seemed damn near perfect.

"Kazuya-kun!" You call to your boyfriend as you walk out of the locker rooms you were changed and showered from after Track and Field practice.

"I can't go on our date today (F/n)-Chan." He says quickly

"Why?" You ask, you pout slightly. Kazuya had been acting weird lately.

"My mom needs me home." He says, you nod and he walks away quickly.

You sigh slightly and return to your dorm room. You stare blankly at your Calculus homework but you don't get much done.

After a particularly large sigh your roommate Reon asks what's wrong. "What's wrong (l/n)-chan?" you didn't really want to answer since he had Semi over as they discussed Volleyball. Semi stares at you waiting for your answer. He narrows his brown eyes at you, you shift uncomfortably before replying to him.

"It's just Kazuya-kun. He's been...." You pause thinking of your next words carefully, "weird lately." You finish

"Your still dating that asshole?" Reon inquires, you nod with a small shrug. Your eyes flick to Semi who's scowling with a sour look on his face.

"He's not that bad.." You weakly defend Kazuya, you couldn't just agree with Reon. As you say that all three of your phones buzz at the same time. You glance at yours and it's a text message to everyone in the school from the gossip column. It was a picture of Kazuya making out with another girl. His face was clear as day in the other pictures.

You quickly throw your phone away, you bite your lip to keep from crying in front of Reon and Semi.

"That bastard." Semi snarls, "I'll take care of him (F/n)-chan."

"No." You force out, your voice comes out utterly pathetic. It cracks and is soft. "Please don't." You say a little louder, but you hiccup and tears start streaming from your eyes.

"(F/n)-chan..." Reon says softly, his eyebrows furrow in anger.

"I'll be okay." You sniffle and quickly stand from your bed and make your way out of the room. You needed to get away from them.

You run toward the bathroom and enter it, you lock yourself in a stall and start sobbing. You hear the door open and you press your hands to your mouth to silence yourself.

"I feel so bad for (L/n)-san!" A girls voice says, "Semi-san might make a move on her, he's liked her for awhile now. Everyone but her knows." The door opens again and they leave. You let out a heavy breath and wipe your tears exiting the stall you look at yourself in the mirror. Your makeup blackened your face, your eyes bright red. You washed your face and walked out of the bathroom and anywhere but the Shiratorizawa campus. Everyone whispers about you as you pass. You keep your head down. Your (h/c) hair fell infront of your face. You couldn't get your mind off of Kazuya cheating or what the girls said about Semi

You made it to the courtyard, and beyond. Behind one of the gyms you slid down the wall and wrapped your hands around your knees burying your face.

"You bastard! You've thrown away the best girl you could probably find!" You hear the familiar yell of Semi and you stand making your way around the other side. You only arrive to see Semi punch Kazuya.

"I needed more, I needed sex!" Kazuya growls back, "(F/n)-chan, wouldn't let me. She said she needed to wait for the right person!"

"Your a dirty son of a bitch." Semi growls pulling him up and punching him once again. This time Kazuya retaliates and punches Semi knocking him down, he pounces and gets on top of Semi punching him.

You flinch, you couldn't let Kazuya hurt Semi anymore. You run forward and kick Kazuya in the side. "Get off of him!" You yell, your voice hoarse. You quickly help Semi up. He had a split lip and bruised cheek. You hugged him tightly, and he cradled your head into his chest.

"Oh I see. Maybe you were the one cheating. With him." Kazuya spits out some blood and spit mix. "You little bitch, you've always liked him. Hell maybe loved him."

"No!" You protest weakly. You felt more safe in Semi's arms than you ever had in Kazuya's

"Fuck you." He growls slinking away.

You immediately pull away from Semi and pull him to a bench making him sit down, "Semi, you stupid, stupid boy." You mutter you peer at his brown eyes in the darkness. The moon lighting his face. Making his Ash gray hair silver. You use the sleeve of your shirt to gently wipe the blood away from his lip. He flinches lightly, making you flinch.

"I'm so sorry!" You say quickly, "But Semi you didn't have to do that for me, I would have been fine. Kazuya is the captain of the boxing club, he could have really hurt you." You start mumbling incoherent words.

"Shh." He grins, "I know this is really soon after your breakup but. I really like you (f/n)-chan." He says

"I like you too Semi, but I have to wait. To process all this." You say softly, Semi takes your hands in his running circles on your hand.

"I know, well take it slow." He presses a gentle kiss to your forehead and you smile.


You run to Eita and jump into his arms, you bury your face in his neck inhaling his scent. He presses a kiss to your lips

"I missed you so much Eita." You whisper against his lips. You had went to visit your Father in the America's for awhile and right before you left Eita had asked you out. You said yes obviously.

"SemiSemi!!! That is P-D-A!" Tendou sings and you giggle, Eita sets you down.

"Shhh, don't tell anyone Satori-chan." You say with a wink and Tendou let's out and exasperated sigh.

"Come on (f/n)!" Eita pulls you away, you both make your way through campus hand in hand. Once you reach Eitas dorm he closes the door and presses a hungry kiss to your lips.

"Now we have all the time in the world to ourselves." He whispers and continues to kiss you.

You couldn't be happier.

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