3 - Meeting the Demon King

Start from the beginning

"Yes," I admitted slowly. "I do. It's my favorite."

His smile grew even more. "Oh, really? Is it now?"

Feeling like there was something else going on, I nodded. "Yes..."

He suddenly stopped smiling, his expression turning serious. "What is it that you like about it so much?"

I paused, putting my thoughts into words. "Well first off, the heroine loves books, so I identify with her in that respect. Second, she isn't someone of great power or influence. She isn't a princess and she doesn't have any magical abilities or tools, like a lot of other stories I have read. She's honestly just a average woman who just loves to read. She's...normal. Third, she falls in love with Beast not for something as materialistic as his looks or his wealth. Being a beast, he isn't handsome and being that his castle has long been forgotten by the world, it's falling apart. The only thing keeping him and his servants' going is all the magic keeping them alive and helping what fields they have grow to provide food for the livestock."

"No, Belle sees past all that and finds the man beneath, so to speak. She sees his rage at his curse, his hate of it, and his own self-loathing that the choices he made has brought this about not only for himself but to his people. She also sees his curiosity for the world, his interest in it. She sees how he tries to change himself for her, even if she doesn't know why. She finds that underneath all the anger and hate, he does have a gentle soul. He has some humanity, some kindness and compassion. Really, honestly, he is just terribly lonely. For so long he's been cursed, left with only the company of his equally cursed servants. And really, the only thing most of them want is for him to break the curse, that way they can return to normal once more."

"And how can he not feel alone, when most only want one thing from him? When most only see him as the person who destroyed their lives, because they had the misfortune of working for him at the time? Despite the truth of all of this, it doesn't exactly stop the loneliness he feels. He just wants someone to understand him. To see him for himself. To see him in some way that isn't fear, hate, anger, or distrust. To love him, the real him. He's changed, if only a little, over the years. Enough so that now he thirsts for the one thing he had before never thought he would want."

"I love this story because not only does Belle find love. But, most importantly, so does Beast. He finds his one true happy ending. It makes me feel so glad that I always end up crying, no matter how many times I read this story." I admitted the last under my breath, feeling shy suddenly.

Taking in a deep breath, I glanced back up into Zane's face. His expression was unreadable, his eyes hooded. He watched me with a strange expression. Slowly, so slowly it was nearly driving me insane, he sank to his knees. He blinked and his face softened. "Can I kiss you, Ana?" he asked. His voice was just as soft as his face. "Can I take you into my arms and kiss you until you no longer know your own name? Can I hold you, touch you, and love you?"

I paled at his words, feeling so many emotions of my own fly through me. A small part of me was screaming Yes! But the majority of me was screaming No!

My voice came out strangled and choked. "N-n-no!" I breathed out harshly. "No!" I repeated a little more firmly.

His face fell, looking almost heartbroken. Despite myself, I felt terribly guilty and sad, seeing that. I almost took back my words. But taking in a deep breath, I squared my shoulders and forced myself to stay firm. I wasn't the type to throw myself at every sad man I happened to find myself in the company of. Giving myself to another was too important...too big of a decision to make it lightly.

He looked like he wanted to argue, but it lastly for only half a second. He swallowed, blinking several times, before finally nodding. His voice was weary and grudgingly accepting. "All right. I didn't really think you would agree, but I could hope. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ask that or bring it up. But you..." he closed his eyes, a small shudder running through him. When he opened his eyes once more, they stared into my own intently. "You do many things to me, Ana, for better or for worse. Try to remember that," he whispered as he slowly rose to his feet.

My Journey with the Demon King Where stories live. Discover now