Chapter 6

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The pups watched the bottle as it spun slower and slower. "Chasey, truth or dare?" Skye giggled. "Ch-Chasey? Um, I mean, uhh..."  The German Shepard became flustered. He began blushing. He was redder than Marshall's fire truck.

       "Um, Chase? You, uh, okay there buddy?" Rubble asked, clearly trying to stop himself from laughing. "Oh... yeah yeah, umh...dare." Skye smiled at him. "I dare you to kiss me." All the other pups stared at Chase. "Ooooooooo! Chase and Skyyye, sitting in a tree! K-I-"

"Okay! I get it, you guys." He walked up to Skye and laid a small, tender kiss on Skye's lips. He sat back down, smiling. The bottle landed on Rocky. "You know the drill. Truth or Dare?" "Dare! I'm feeling confident." "Hmmm...since you started the chant, I'll get you back. I dare you to go swimming for an hour." Chase smirked. Rocky's eyes widened. "Nevermind. Not confident anymore."

"Ack~ Chase, how~guh~ long has it~ been!?" Rocky barely managed to get out. "15 minutes." "NO~hic~OOO!"

     After Rocky's dare, everyone returned to the Lookout. Rocky was covered in blankets and towels, still shivering. He clumsily spun the bottle, and it landed on Everest. "E-Everest. T-t-truth or d-dare?" "Dare, of course!" Everest said. Rocky snickered. "I dare you to pretend to be a cat until your next turn!" "WHAT?"

"Meow, I'm gonna get you back for this." Everest pawed at the bottle. Finally she spun it and it landed on Marshall. "Meow, truth or dare?" She rubbed her head on Marshall's. He began blushing. "Dare..." "Woah, ok. I dare you the Bean Boozled challenge." "I wanna do that! It involves food, right?" Rubble suddenly said. "Me too!" Zuma said. "Ok, we can all do it." All the pups cheered. "Well, this seems oddly familiar."

     "Meow, Mmm...toothpaste isn't half bad, really." Everest said, nodding. "At least you didn't get licorice." Marshall's snout wrinkled up. "Isn't that the good flavor?" "In my opinion, they're equally distasteful."Everest smiled. "You're so cute when you're upset.*purr*" She planted a kiss on Marshall's cheek.

Marshall blushed a bright red. "W-well, it I-isn't s-s-so a-awful..." Marshall quickly turned his head and gave Everest a quick kiss on the lips. She giggled.

Marshall spun the glass bottle. It landed back on Everest. "Hm, what a coincidence. Truth or Dare?" "OH THANK GOSH! THAT WAS AWFUL!" Everest shouted. "Um... I can't think of a way to do this with 2 people..." "Why don't you have all of us do it?" Marshall smiled. "Ok...I dare all of you to play cricket!"

The pups divided themselves into equal teams, with Zuma, Everest, and Skye batting first. They had decided that Rubble would be an all around pitcher. He rolled the ball over to Zuma, who pawed the ball a couple times.

"Zumaaaa!" Rubble said as he flopped onto his back. "You're supposed to use the paddle!" "Just...wait...a little bit! It's the best ball I've ever played with!"

"We're never going to get anywhere with this."

hOlY cRaP iS tHaT tHe OlD iRrElEvAnT wRiTeR?¿?¿!!11!!1!1!

So basically I reeeeally wanted to update for a loooong time, but I had very bad writer's block and no motivation. Luckily, I decided to just write, and I finished a part!

I'm gonna try to stay active, idk if it'll happen. But I hope you guys understand, and I'll see you all soon! Also sorry for it being so short this time.


P.S. It feels so good to write that again lmao


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2018 ⏰

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