Chapter 4

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     After Marshall and Everest got finished with their "time" together, they went and sat down with the rest of the pups. Both were blushing, and when they sat down, Marshall put his paw on top of Everest's. "Aww, they're so cute together." Chase commented. "I know." Skye replied.

     OMG! OMG! OMG! She agreed with me! Maybe she will end up with There's no way. That would be nice if she actually did... "Chase...Earth to Chase! Are you ok?" Skye asked. Chase was unaware that he was uncontrollably blushing a deep red and giggling.

     "Oh...uhhh..." Chase stuttered out of embarrassment. "I was just thinking..." He countered. He really hoped that nobody knew what he was thinking about. Everest spun the bottle and ended up getting Chase.

"Chase, Truth or Dare?" She asked. "Dare, I'm not afraid!" He said with pride. "Hmm...aha! I dare you to spank Skye's butt!" Everest laughed. The other pups gasped, then laughed along with Everest. Chase and Skye just stood there, terrified and embarrassed. "I-I...don't want to..." Chase stared at the ground. "You can't back out from a dare!" Everest reciprocated. "Just do it,Chase...the faster it happens, the faster it'll be over..." Skye whispered. "Okay...please don't be mad..." Chase raised his paw and brought it down onto Skye. She yipped as he made contact. Chase buried his face in his paws. "Chase, you can't stay there. You have to spin." Rocky reminded him. He spun the bottle shakily, due to his nerves. Oddly enough, it landed on Skye.

"...Skye, T-truth or Dare..." He mumbled. "Dare..." She looked at him, waiting for a dare to do. "Skye, I'm sorry. I can't do this. I care about you too much to do make you do something against your will after doing that to you." Chase said.

"Heh, guess I win, Everest." Skye smirked. "Pay up." "Darn it!" Everest replied. "Wait, what are you-mh!?" Chase began, but was interrupted by Skye's lips touching his. They stayed that way for a couple moments.

     Skye pulled away and said "Everest said that Chase would give a really bad dare to you after doing that. But I said that you were too loyal for that. And we made a bet." She explained before connecting their lips once again. "How about we play a different game?" She went up to his ear and whispered "" She got halfway to the closet and said "Care to join, Everest?" "You don't need to ask me twice." The four went into the closet.

     "Ugh, I dawe us aww to gow to the beach and not come back for a coupwe hours." Zuma suggested. "Agreed." The others responded.

Author's Note

Hey guys! Dancertyty here! I will now be taking requests for truths and dares now! Yay! Make sure to comment requests!


P.S. If there are no requests, I will make them up myself in a chapter. Love ya!

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