"Aspen, do you have anything to say about that?" He looked sternly at me, his green eyes seeming almost black.

I shook my head and walked to the left with my head down. This guy made me feel terrible about everything that I did. Soon enough Cayla joined me with a huge smile on her face.

"Dude, you were amazing!" She smiled. "Coach is just a dick and he doesn't see your true potential." She giggled, hugging me.

"Alright now that i've seen all of you play, i've decided the team." There were eight girls on the left and nine on the right. The girls on the right looked so upset. Some of them had been playing for years. I honestly felt guilty, but I was so proud of myself.

Then Coach said some dreaded words. "Just because you won your game does not mean that you have secured a spot on the team." My heart started racing. I didn't know how much I wanted this until now.

"If you do not get on the team, JV tryouts are tomorrow." God this guy was harsh.

"When I call your name go stand in front of me." He looked at his clipboard and began reading names.

"Grace, Claire, Kathryn, Vanessa, Cayla, Samantha, Trinity, Chloe, Alexandra, Miranda, Jessica and...Aspen." He looked in my direction and I quickly joined Cayla in the clump.

Only two out of five of Claire's friends had made it on the team- Trinity Fugazy and Miranda Armstrong.

"Good job girls. Practices start tomorrow morning, you may go shower." We all started walking back to the locker rooms.

"Oh, Miss Rivers?" I turned around. "Please come to my office after you've changed. I would like to speak with you." I nodded and then jogged to catch up with Cayla.

After I got out of the shower I pulled my long damp hair into a slick ponytail and put back on my dark blue jeans and my white tank top. I was slipping on my converse when Cayla came over to me.

"You're such a champ, honestly."
I smiled up at her. "Coach doesn't seem to think so."

"Well screw that sexy piece of shit." She rang her fingers through her wet hair, laughing.

"I should probably go. I wonder what he wants?" I asked.

She winked at me and i fake gagged as I exited the locker room and began walking to his office. I knocked three times.

"Come on in." He was sitting at his desk looking over some work wearing thick framed glasses. He watched me walk in and I stood there awkwardly, not sure what to do.

"Sit down." He beckoned to the the chair and tossed his glasses on his desk. I sat and put my hands awkwardly in my thighs.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked. He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.

"I think you're a very valuable player. But we need to work on your... ehem... your confidence." He eyed me, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh- okay." I said, feeling embarrassed.

"If not, you will be terminated from the team." He stood up to put away a few papers. I just sat there as I got increasingly angrier. I deserved this just as much as the other girls!

I stood up and he turned around. "You know why i'm so god damn insecure?!?! Because of dick heads like you that constantly tear me down and tell me that i'm not good enough when you fucking know that I am good enough. You think that just because you're hot that you're aloud to have a shit personality!" I suddenly realized that I had cursed out my coach and called him hot in the same sentence.

I was abruptly brought out of my thoughts when he pinned me up against the wall. I gasped, staring into his bright green opals. He stared into my eyes for a good five seconds as I stood there helpless.

He came closer to my face and I winced, shutting my eyes.

He chuckled. "Don't worry i'm not going to hurt you." He stepped back from the wall and I just stared at him with my jaw dropped. He flicked me on the nose.

"Confidence, Rivers. Confidence. That's what I like to see."

Coach (Harry Styles)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя