What Hero is Really Super?

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"I was thinking my dad," Peter almost mumbled, still feeling a bit betrayed by Ms. Romanoff.

"Which one?" Wade chuckled.

"Pops- I mean Captain America, since he has a rich history."

"Alright, seems fair enough, but I always found Spider-Man interesting, so well known, but yet a mystery," Wade blushed a bit as he spoke of his favorite hero. "Besides! Have you ever seen his ass? Spandex sure does him justice...."

"So who should it be? I still think Captain America is fine," He said quickly to hide his embarrassment.

"Cap is fine, but not as fine as Spidey's rear!" Wade snorted.

"What is with you and your crush on Spider-Man? I thought you were straight!"

"Nope, either area is in my expertise. I'm as straight as a bendy straw, plus I am pretty flexible." He winked, sending shivers up Peter's spine.

"So who is it? Captain or Spider-Man. My vote is still on the cutesy wootsey spider."

Cap!" Peter retorted, like lighting, almost as it he were suspicious, but Wade put it off.

"Since this is a long term assignment," Ms. Romanoff rose her voice above the chattering teenagers," You'll have to give your address, email, or phone number, since I will not give you time in class."

Wade nudged Peter,"I would rather go to your house... my parents aren't what you call good parents, let alone parents." He said with sorrow and a hint of anger in his voice.

Peter patted Wade's back in a comforting manner,"You know we're to find me; Stark Tower is my house." He said, wishing he could actually relate.

The poor guy had cancer, and his parents didn't do a thing, just the school. The whole school raised funds and had raffles and things of that nature, and we raised enough for him to get this treatment. After that, he came back to school, and was a lot stronger, and seemed not to get hurt anymore.

Wade sighed, but still had a smile. Peter thought, this guy never looks sad, maybe its true, or maybe he have been covering up pain for too long.

Ms. Romanoff dismissed the whole class before the bell, and Peter thought how weird his teachers were, Mr. Banner for science, Mr. Barrow for Physical education, Mr. Braddock for language arts and Mr. Logan for Math.

Peter was quite happy with it being the end of the day, since it was Friday. He packed up his backpack, and ran to the bus. His dad always fussed about that he could get him a car or something, but Peter wanted to ride the bus. It made him feel remotely normal.

Wade, on the other hand had to walk a mile and a half home from school. Through rain, sleet, hail, snow, wind, heat, everything. And even when he got home, he was neglected, yelled at, and beaten. But, not today! Wade made it his main priority to get to Stark Tower.

"Jarvis, I'm home!" Peter bellowed, throwing his bag.

"Welcome home, Master Peter. Your fathers are still on their mission."

"Alright, thanks!" Peter smiled, while grabbing a banana. He sat down and started to play some video games. He was about an hour in, when Jarvis interrupted.

"Master Peter, there is a young man at the door."

"Well who is it?"

"I don't know, but he has a matching hat and hoodie. All seem to have red and black patterns."

"Wade..." Peter took in a deep breath,"let 'em up, its Wade."

"Right away, sir."

Wade hadn't seen such nice things since he was in the hospital, and even that wasn't as nearly as homey. After a little bit if waiting, an elevator opened. The elevator lead up to Peter's living floor. He smiled at Peter,"'Sup, Peter!" he held up his hand, expecting a high-five.

"Wade, you have to call first," Peter scolded,"but, hi...."

"Someone is grumpy! Oh, and, I didn't quite come here to work on the project,"Wade admitted.

"Then why did you come?"

"I was kinda kicked out of my house, and they took all my money too, so if I can't afford a hotel. So I thought I'll stay at a friend's house! Soooo then I remembered about you! I walked all the way here, so can I stay? Pretty please~?"Wade rambled on some more, until Peter stopped him.

"Sure, you can stay here but, if my dads come home, you have to stay somewhere else."

"Awwww ye! SLUMBERPARTY!" Wade cheered. He hugged Peter and started jumping up and down.

"Rule one, none of... that. Rule two, don't go into my parent's room or the lab. Rule three, don't do anything stupid if I leave you alone, like use one of the Iron-Man suits! Rule four, if my dads come home, go in the guest bedroom, then I'll deal with the questions. Got it?"

"Awww Petey, you're no fun!"

"Keep that up and your visit will be cut short."
Edited as of Febuary 12th 2016

P.S. If it's still showing the "dedicated to ", it's not dedicated to that bitch

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