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Slamming down the phone for the 105th time that morning I swear under my breath as I turn and smile at the human government members gathered for my Referendum; trying to keep up my mask as I have since Seamus had come to me after he had won his independence from England. At first I had brushed off his worries over our youngest brother but once the seed had been sown it wouldn’t go away.

After all, I hadn’t seen my beloved wee Albion in far too long. Visiting however had simply reminded me of why that was and in the end I had launched myself at him hunting knife in hand. After that I had kept my distance, convinced that my baby….

….For Albion was mine; I had raised him in Mother’s constant absence. She had been a great Mother but she was also a country’s personification. Once I, as her eldest, had been old enough to care for my brothers she had been around less and less. When Albion was born she hadn’t even stayed with us for the rest of the moon cycle before leaving. We doubt that Albion even remembers her now…

…..would be better off without someone around that drew a knife on him for only a few unpleasant but harmless comments.

He would be better off without ME.

Despite Eire’s strong advisement against it, when my government once again decided to try for complete separation from the United Kingdom I didn’t fight it in the least. Unlike Eire who had fought his leaders tooth right up until they had signed the documents separating us I couldn’t hold my own against my government. Besides, they had made a point when they argued that I was simply holding my brother back from his full potential. That was why I didn’t believe Eire’s account of what had happened in the woods that day even if Albion refused to tell me about any of it.

Albion had always been the strong unbreakable realist of the four of us Kirkland brothers. There was no way he could be unstable. Especially without one of us noticing…


Seamus and Dylan look at me with worry in their eyes though Seamus’ also has an I-told-you-so vibe to them. The humans simply look annoyed when one of them makes a loud comment about how it is obvious Arthur is wasting their time being in denial and how she was happy they wouldn’t be represented by such a useless irresponsible personification anymore I simply blow up.

“What the bloody hell would you know about Albion huh?! I’ll have you know he has been the first one at those bloody useless meetings we hold for you ungrateful gits by hours since the very first one was held! The only times he didn’t attend were because we ourselves personally went to his house and physically stopped him from doing so! He has all the paperwork needed to run four countries done a week before they are needed if not before it is even brought up! He single handedly formed an empire that lasted for CENTURIES raising a third of the world’s countries BY HIMSELF all but that bambot American have turned out amazingly! Even America turned out well considering he became a super power!  He puts you bloody fools before him and his feelings whenever he makes a decision! DO NOT INSULT MY ALBION YOU FUCKING CUNT!”  I scream at the top of my lungs while fighting my restrainers wanting to bash the bitch’s head in.

I should have gone to his house instead of waiting around mine the last few days. Made sure he understood that even though I was breaking away from the United Kingdom politically I was still his older brother and would still look out for him as much as I could.

Made sure he knew that I loved him and wasn’t leaving him.

I still remember that day I came home to find him gone, and the last thing I had told him while he was still MY baby…

I walk the last leg to my family’s cottage bleeding and half dead. The only thing that kept me going was the knowledge of how happy Albion will be when he sees I’m alive and have come back to him.

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