Chapter 2

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After leaving the two men the lab, Rogers set out to do his own snooping.  When Lyall saw him wandering the halls, she couldn't help but notice the mischievious look the young man had on his face.  She quickly and quietly followed the young man, carefully taking each step as lightly as possible.

She saw him open one of the doors, and quietly entered the room, not suspecting that she was following him.  He quickly made his way around the room, almost as if he knew what he was looking for.  Lyall made sure she was close enough to keep an eye on him, but far enough away where he would not see her following him.

He finally came across what he was looking for, and slowly opened the box.  He had found what he was looking for.  Lyall frowned, upset at what the two brilliant men planted in his mind.  As hard as he tried to be the perfect soldier, his curiosity got the best of him.  Lyall quickly and quietly jumped down from where she was hiding and Rogers jumped, surprised.

Lyall's frown deepened before she spoke.  "Some things are kept from us for a reason."

"You knew about this?" He asked angrily.  Lyall shook her head in denial.  "No, I did not.  I trust Fury though, whatever he was trying to do he must be doing to to help protect the world."  She stood up straight, listening to everything around her.  "Banner." She whispered, as she ran away from Rogers.

She heard exactly what Loki had said, she knew she needed to get to Banner before it was too late, she had to be there for her friend.  She quickly entered the lab not too much later than Fury.

"What are you doing Mr. Stark?" He asked as he entered the lab.

"Uh, kind of been wondering the same thing about you." Came Stark's smartass reply.

"You're suppose to be locating the Tesseract." Furry informed him.

"We are." Banner cut in. "The models locked and we are searching the signature now.  When we get a hit we will have the location within a half a mile."

"And then you will have your cube back.  No fuss." Stark spoke up.  "What is phase 2?"

Fury snapped his head towards Lyall,  "I tried sir." Was all she told him before Rogers came in slamming the weapon he found on the table.

"Phase two is S.H.I.E.L.D uses the cube to make weapons.  Sorry, the computer was moving a little slow for me." Rogers informed everyone.

"Rogers we gathered everything related to the tesseract.  This does not mean-" Rogers began but was interrupted by Stark yet again.

"I'm sorry Nick, what were you lying?" Stark asked as he swung a screen around to face Fury.

"You're wrong director, the world has not changed a bit." Rogers snapped.

"Did you know about this?" Banner asked Lyall, Thor, and Romanoff.

Lyall immediately growled, attracting the attention of everyone in the room.  She began breathing heavily, clearly aggitated.  "I told you two to stop this nonsense.  You can argue about this all you want after we get the Tesseract back.  Until then we need to fucking stay as a team." She snarled, showing her overly large canines to Stark.  

"You want to think about removing yourself out of this environment doctor?" Romanoff pointed out.

"She's right, Bruce.  Loki's goal is to manipulate you." Lyall stated as she calmed down.

"And she has done what to me?" He asked Lyall, refering to Romanoff.

"You didn't come here because I batted my eyelashes, Banner." She told him.

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