Chapter 1: A Strange Birthday Letter

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It was the day before Natalie's birthday eleventh birthday. When she wasn't making her twin sister and only friend, Sally's present she was hanging out by the water, searching for shells to add to her growing collection.

Although everyone at camp half-blood usually made a big deal about birthday's, nobody even paid any attention to hers. Natalie thought that nothing would change until she went to college.

She and Sally would always be outsiders at camp, and survive solely on each other.

She thought that the only thing that would change were the number of years she had been on the earth, and the number of beads on her camp necklace. It never once occurred to Natalie that she and Sally would ever be apart in their first eighteen years of life.

Natalie and Sally did everything together. They fished together, ate together, trained together, even slept in the bunk-bed in the cabin they shared with their parents. Just outside of the main camp cabins for the "proper" demigods.

The rest of the kids at camp didn't like Sally and Natalie because they were second generation demigods. This means that both of their parents had one parent that was an Ancient Greek god or goddess, and the other was a regular mortal.

Almost everything about them were alike, except how they looked. Sally had her father, Percy's wavy, jet-black hair and Mediterranean complexion, but her mother, Annabeth's stormy gray eyes. Natalie on the other hand, had Her mom's curly blond hair, and fair skin, however she had her father's sea-green eyes.

From across the valley, Natalie could see her father, Percy and her mom, Annabeth, calling everyone for dinner. Natalie ran across the soft summer grass to the pavilion, where she ate her favourite meal, bacon, pepperoni, and pineapple pizza, along with her favourite drink, like her fathers, blue coke.

Before she went to bed, Natalie had a bunch of people coming up to her and saying, "I hope you had a great year!" After a bunch of these, Natalie went up to the small cabin on the edge of the woods that she shared with her family, and went to bed.

That night Natalie had a very confusing dream. She was standing in a long line of people her age wearing long black robes, over their ties, white shirts, and grey skirts or pants. The robes had very strange looking crests on them, something about a red lion, green snake, yellow badger, and a blue eagle, with the words: Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus, she wondered what that meant. One by one people were called up to the stage at the front and had to put on a hat. Eventually, the hat would shout out something, and the person would go and sit at one of the tables. In her dream, the only person's name that Natalie was able to hear clearly was a girl with long red hair and brown eyes named Lily Potter.

She woke up far before everyone else the following morning, so she decided to go for a swim, that always made her feel better. The only thing that she could think about was that strange dream. Sometimes, like most demigods, Natalie saw visions in her dreams, but they were about ancient Greek monsters or heroes. But she knew this dream didn't have anything to do with ancient Greece. She finally decided that it must have been the ancient Greek god of sleep, Hypnos, playing with her.

When she came back, everyone was having breakfast at the pavilion, when they saw her they looked down at their food and ignored her, like usual. She saw a small pile of presents waiting for her at her usual spot at the pavilion. She saw that next to her, Sally had opened her presents and was wearing the sea glass bracelet that Natalie had given her.

"Happy birthday Natalie!"

"Happy birthday Sally!"

"I love this bracelet so much! It's so pretty! Every year you make something awesome out of sea-glass or shells. How do you make them?"

"If I told you how to make it, it wouldn't be a secret anymore!"

Natalie actually didn't know how she made the bracelets, when she needed to make one the sea glass always seemed to turn up with holes in them, perfect for making the bracelets. She was pretty sure that it was one of the sea powers she had inherited from her father.

"Come on Natalie, open your presents" said her parents. From the other campers Natalie could hear murmurs of "demi-nothing", and "no-blood" floated in and out of Natalie's ears.

From her parents Natalie got an awesome celestial bronze dagger with a silver handle. Sally gave her a cool woven sheath for the dagger. While Natalie seemed to have inherited most of her father's powers of the sea, Sally seemed to have inherited her mother's powers of wisdom, and weaving.

From her grandmother Sally, and her grandfather Paul, Natalie got a super cool pair of flippers that would be awesome from diving. From her grandfather Fredrick, she got a cool paper airplane book that looked like awesome.

After a dull dinner at the pavilion, with nobody talking to her or Sally, Natalie went back to her cabin to get ready for bed.

Just when she was about to go to bed, and owl flew in the room. That's strange, she thought, animals from outside can't get in or out of the magical barriers surrounding the camp. Then she noticed what it was carrying in its beak.

The owl flew right up to her and dropped the letter at her feet. The seal on the enveloped was stamped with the same crest as on the students robes in her dream.

She opened her letter.

Printed in large letters at the top were,

Congratulations, you have been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!

Behind the acceptance letter was a list of first-year school supplies:


-Three sets of plain work robes- black

-One plain pointed had- black

-One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide is best)

-One winter cloak- black, silver fastenings


-Standard book of spells grade one- By Miranda Goshawk

-A history of magic- By Bathilda Bagshot

-Magical Theory- By Albert Waffling

-A beginner's guide to transfiguration- By Albert Switch

-One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi- By Phyllida Spore

-Magical Drafts and Potions- By Arsenius Jigger

-Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them- By Newt Scamander

-The dark forces, a guide to self-protection- By Quentin Trimble

Other Equiptment:

-1 wand

-1 cauldron (pewter, Standard Size 2)

-1 set of glass or crystal files

-1 telescope

-1 set of brass scales

-Students may also bring an Owl, a Cat, or a Toad

Well this is just the strangest letter I have ever gotten. It must be a prank, but it was in my dream, which means it wasn't Hypnos playing with my mind, its real.

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