chapter one

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Chapter one


That’s all I heard for the past few day were moans.

Sometimes I might have heard some shrieks and some screams from people. But mostly it was the moans that unnerve me the most, I kept trying to pretend that everything that was going on was just a horrible nightmare but the sounds from outside quickly brought me back down to earth.

I was held up in my mom’s house for the past couple days since my mom died. I remember it oh so vividly, we were in the need of some food because the supple that we had was down to nothing. So mom had took off outside to her car, quickly trying to get in but she barley had a chance. Our next door neighbor pounced on her. Ripping in to her neck like she was thanksgiving turkey, I had watched the whole thing in shock and wide eyed.

Three hours later she got up, at first I thought that she was fine but when she had attacked a little boy that was running with his mother I knew that she was one of them and I had to move out the window as she began to sink her teeth into his stomach as he screamed out in agony. After that I grabbed a little food that we had from the kitchen and dashed upstairs to my room and locked the door, only coming out when I had to use the bathroom.

Right now I was hiding under bed shaking like a leaf. I had been munching on some cheetos reading vampire academy on my bean bag chair when I a loud bang came from downstairs followed by something that sounded like a moan. I stopped; one hand froze half way digging in the bag of cheetos and the other flipping a page. I dropped everything on the floor and ran over and locked my door, quickly but quietly. Then I dove under my bed but not before grabbing my baseball bat that was lying on the floor.

It was dark and all the clothes under here made me regret just shoving stuff under my bed when my mom told me to clean my room. I had my ear pressed against the floor so I could kind of hear what was going on downstairs. The thing was making low noises and I heard a creak that came from the stairs. It was coming up. My breath began to quicken so loud that I was worried the thing would hear me and I put my hand that hasn’t clutching the bat, over my mouth to make sure I wasn’t caught.

It slowly made its way to the top of the stairs and I couldn’t help but to wondered if it could smell me or sense me. The sound of footsteps shambled by my door and stayed there for a few seconds. As the seconds went by with nothing happening my fear kept rising and rising when suddenly a loud bang came from my door. I let out a squeal that was muffled by my hand and my grip on the bat tightened. I prayed for the first time in a long time that it would just go and leave me alone and then the weirdest thing happen. It spoke.

“Hello? Is anyone in there?” The voice called through the door. I poked my head out from under the bed and took a breath of clean air and stared at the door. The person that spoke was an older male from the sound of it. Hearing him made me kind of happy since it’s been a few days since I’ve heard or seen an adult. I pulled myself from under the bed with my bat firmly in my hand and went to unlock the door and threw it open.

In front of me was a male that seemed to be in his mid or late thirties. He had short black hair with icy blue eyes that grew warm as he smiled at me. But I didn’t return it as I noticed that he had blood splattered on his blue plaid shirt and jeans. I backed up slowly and kept my eyes on the blood. Great just great I just let a murderer in my room.

He noticed me staring and grimaced and tried to wipe it off but with no success.

“Sorry for the mess. I tried to get as much off as I could but it’s difficult to get blood out of clothes but you don’t need to worry it’s from those things out there. Got to protect myself don’t I?” he said smiling. I didn’t really believe him but I seen what they can do so I nodded and tried to hide my disgust of the blood.

the end as we know itWhere stories live. Discover now