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The girl stood in defiance, and would not go down without a fight. Bafflement overcame to monster that cornered her. While it was stunned, she tried to make a hasty retreat by inching away. Unfortunately for her, the monster snapped out of it’s reverie almost immediately as she started moving. 

Solemn grey eyes bore into her, making her uncomfortable and unsure of what the unpredictable beast would do next. Grey, clammy looking scales down it’s body and gullet matched it’s eyes. 

The monster moved sort of like it was gracefully dancing, while was phenomenal, considering it’s size. It did what resembled a pirouette to get closer to the girl. Suddenly, an arrow magically flew out of the sky and into the creature’s heart. It’s demise came quickly afterward. 

Shrinking down from the great beast it once was, it shrunk into a meter long snake. It had the same grey attire, but the girl had a hard time believing that this snake was masquerading as that… thing. With the veneer crushed and the show over, the girl’s heart rate slowed down. But one thing she couldn’t understand was how that transformation occurred, or how it was possible at all. 

The snake slithered off. The girl watched as it ascended a rock, watching her as she watched it, in constant vigilance. A guttural hiss erupted and it’s mouth was agape, as if poised to strike. Perplexity overwhelmed the girl. What was going on?

“Wake up. Wake up!” The voice was unctuous; persuasive. 

Shocked, the girl watched as the world around her melted away into detritus. 

As soon as the world had gone away, and another took it’s place, the girl began spluttering about a grey beast that metamorphosed into a snake. 

The person that she was speaking to just laughed. “Listen to yourself! You’re conjuring up make-believe worlds… You’re hallucinating! Dear, you’ve been here in the hospital for months. It’s about time you’ve gotten used to this!” The woman cried tears of mirth. J

…So that was it. There was no scary monster, or a snake that was a meter long. Hallucinations. And the lady laughing at the girl was merely only the apprentice for the nurse. 

Dreams fogged the girl’s mind. She tried to fight them off, but she eventually conceded to the shams and hoaxes of her imagination. 

A/N: This was just a little one-shot of a girl in the hospital who has mental issues from a car accident. She hallucinates regularly, and this is just the latest. THIS IS FICTION.  I had to write sentences for English lessons, and I made mine into a story. Comment, tell me what ya think.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2012 ⏰

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