Part 1 - The Recruitment

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The year is 2037 and the world has collapsed. In a figurative way, the world did not actually collapse. Although most of the big cities have gone down in ruins. The United States had the biggest contribution in the down fall of the planet. In 2023, The government had an idea to create Artificial Intelligence Cops or AIC for short. Well, it worked out just fine, so the government took it the next level. They started creating AI paramedics, AI firefighters, AI marines, SWAT, Pilots, you name it they made it. This worked out so well, that they gave this information to other countries. By 2029, almost every country had AIS (pronounced ā ī s).

Then, on February 9, 2032, the AIS turned on human kind. The rebellion started in Chicago, Illinois. Within a few hours, all AIS were evil. No one knows why they turned on us, but there has been theories. Before this happened, there had been protests about AIS turning on us and that the government was stupid. When the attack happened, the government had too much pride to say that it was their fault. So they blamed it on the citizens, saying that it was their fault. Of course that did not end well.

For 5 years now, there has been a war between the AIS and the humans. There is no government anymore, so it has been pure chaos. Families have been torn apart and many people have died. The men dug underground bunkers for women (If not in the army) and children to hide in. The age to fight in the war is 13. The bunkers worked, but every single day, they could hear the battles raging from above. Many kids were frightened, the war was fierce. Approximately 1,000 men and women died each day. There was no hope, they knew that there was no way to win. No one knew how to stop them. Until, a 12-year-old boy and his dog found the way.


"Roof," my dog barked.

The sound woke me up from a recurring nightmare that I have been having. My dream was that I was in a fierce battle between me and the AIS. It was only me. There were dead bodies everywhere on the desert land. I was holding an assault rifle, but I had no chance to take out any of them. An assault rifle would only slow them down. They were made of steel, but they looked almost exactly like a human. The only difference is that they have no ears. Why? I don't know.

The AIS attacked and I ran. I ran as fast as I could, but the AIS caught up. Before they could do anything harmful to me. My dog woke me up.

"Thanks boy, I owe you one," I said.

You see. My dog and I have this kind of bond between us. We understand each other. He must have heard me screaming or something in my sleep. So he woke me up. He is a cairn terrier, with tan colored fur. He has grown skinny since we moved in. You are not technically suppose to have pets in the bunker, but my mom and I smuggled him in.

Thank goodness nobody else heard me scream. They might have thought that I was dying or something. If you die in the bunker, you'll get eaten because food is very scarce. That thought always scares me.

If my mom was alive she might have heard me scream. Each family has their own room, but it is only 6 by 6 feet. My mom and I got a bunk because it was only us two, but now it is only me. So there is an empty bed above me, where my mom used to sleep. She died in the middle of the night because she had a bad disease. I was sad, still am, but she was suffering, so I guess it was for the best.

You know how I said that if you die in the bunker, you get eaten by the people in them. I couldn't let that happen, so I hid my mom's body in the dirt walls that surrounded the room. Each room is 3 feet apart, so I placed my mom's body sideways into the wall.

My dad was in the war, but a few days before my mom died, we heard that he had died in a battle against the AIS. I think that might have been the true reason why she passed. She loved my dad, and she knew that when he got recruited in the war, he was as good as gone. But she still had a little hope that he would live. But when she learned that he died, everything went downhill for her.

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