Computer Hacks & Shortcuts

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Computer Hacks & Shortcuts:

1. Press alt and click on any Google image to automatically save it to your computer.

2. If you accidentally close a tab, Ctrl + Shift + T reopens it.

3. Instead of clicking backspace multiple times to delete a word, delete the whole word by pressing Ctrl + Backspace.

4. Undo an action by clicking Ctrl + Z. If you change your mind, Ctrl + Y will redo it.

5. If you want to delete a file and not deal with it in the Recycle Bin, click Shift + Delete. It will remove the file permanently.

6. Click F7 to check spelling and grammar.

7. Ctrl + C to copy. Ctrl + X to cut. Ctrl + V to paste.

8. Ctrl + A to select all.

9. When viewing photos, Ctrl + . rotates image clockwise & Ctrl + , rotates image counter clockwise.

10. Click Ctrl + W to exit window.


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