Welcome to Los Santos

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I watched as we got closer to the ground. There were more people here than there was back home. " Why the did we have to leave Liberty City? All my friends were there. And grandma was too." I asked my mom. " Because Love, I got offered a better job here. Besides, you'll love the new school you're gonna be going to." It's been ten years and I still don't love it here. There's too many whores, drug addicts, and drug dealers. Minus the fact we live in the most horrible part of Los Santos. We live near Grove Street. We hear about at least one person getting killed on a daily basis. I've asked mom if I could move out since I was 18 but it's the same answer. " No, you don't know what's out there." Little does she know that I do. I have not been back to school in a good month and a half. I don't plan on going back either. I am actually planning on going to Blaine County. There's this business that is needing some help and I think I could possibly be that help for them. I going to catch a bus tonight and have it take me as far as it can and from there, hitch hike my way to Sandy Shores. I had to leave this morning though, to fill my mom into thinking I have left for school. But in all reality, I've been going to work. Saving money for the bus ticket I got a week ago. Today is my last day of work. It's gonna be bittersweet but worth it in the end. I'm just so ready to leave the City of Sins. I went to work only to be bombarded by my boss, Kiesha. " Sky, could I have a word with you in the office?" " Sure?" I was puzzled. Was something wrong? I know I had put my two week notice in so it shouldn't be that. " Is everything OK? Did I do something wrong?" I asked. " You didn't do anything wrong. It's about your mom." She sighed. " She was heading to Paleto when the helicopter She was in crashed. Sky, your mom died in that crash." I didn't know what to say. The woman I had been lying to for the past month and a half had died. I did love my mom. I really did. But she was too protective over what I did. I now had a sort of freedom that I never had in my lifetime. And it felt incredible. " I'm sorry. If there's anything I can do..." I stopped her before she could finish. " I manage everything on my own." I was just ready to leave for the one place I've always wanted to go to. " You can have the rest of the day off if you want it off." I nodded and left. I went home and started packing my shit I wanted to take with me. I looked around my room, making sure I got what I wanted. I spotted a necklace my mom got me. It was of a cloud with a tiny heart. I put it around my neck, remembering the good times mom and I had together. " I'm sorry mama." I quietly said. I got into my closet and got the money I had stashed away for this trip. I'll be needing. I just know I will. I walked out of the house. I didn't even bother locking it. I didn't see the point. No one lives there anymore. I walked to the bus stop which was across Strawberry, near the police station. I sat down on a bench and waited for the bus. I didn't when the damn thing would get there. While sitting there, I overheard many conversations from so many people. Most were about getting high tonight since it was Friday. Most people like smoking it up on Fridays and Saturdays only because they were off and got paid. I've wanted to do that but mom would never allow a single pack of anything in her house. I kept thinking of what she would and would not allow in the house. The bus pulled in front of me and I got on and showed the man the ticket. That granted me a free ride back if I ever wanted to come back to Los Santos which will never happen. I sat in the back, where less people sat. I laid my head down on the window and watched as we drove away from my hometown. My eyes slowly closed and soon enough, I was asleep. No dreams flooded my mind, which I was thankful for. I woke up just in to get off at the stop I needed to get off at. It might time at this point and very dangerous. I was glad I brought my pistol along with me. I might have to use it in this part in San Andreas. I've heard of what can do to others. It's not as bad as Grove though. I began walking towards Sandy on 68, sticking my thumb out along the way. My feet were sore and tired I was hoping someone would at least stop and give me a ride. People has told how to hitch hike one way but I'm not gonna to that. It would just make me look even more trashier. I kept on walking a few more miles until I came to a an intersection. I went left, knowing that the other way would lead me back to the City of Sins. As I was walking, I found a bar and stopped there. I didn't care if I was underage or not, a drink would do me good. I walked in a bunch of drunk rednecks were in there. All of the men turned around and looked at me. I went into the other room the building had and sat down in a corner table. A woman came over to my table. " Is there I can get you?" I thought about it. " Whiskey." I had drunk whiskey and only whiskey. She went to the bar and came back with a full bottle of whiskey and a shot glass. I poured my first shot and drunk in one gulp. That gave me energy. I got up and paid for the bottle of whiskey and left the glass. I exited the bar and continued walking. I walked to the police station and asked where someone lived. I was ready for this.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2017 ⏰

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