Chapter 2: Searching the Ocean

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So I'm pretty sure the main reason I was really lowkey salty all day was because I was writing this XD

I think once I post this I'm going to go to one of my other big stories I'm working on at the moment so it might be a while before the next update.

And ok so apparently the end scene for Fantasy Life in the British version is different than the Murican version because I swear when I played it it did not give the the details the playthough of the British version I watched for reference of the prologue did.

So I'm now aware Yuelia's dream is not 100% accurate, or that Laura's monologue is totally off too.

BUt since this is a different timeline, I CAN GET AWAY WITH IT OK


Purity awoke with a stretch and silent yawn.

Morning, Val- By Lunares, damn it.

Purity's thoughts suddenly swarmed with painful memories.

NO Purity. You can't think about... him! You have more important things to worry about. I need to see what requests I can get today... She shook her head to (unsuccessfully) get back to the present.

Sighing, she slid out of bed and picked up her armor that she had thrown on the floor last night. She hated the Steel Helm she got from becoming a Hero Mercenary, but she needed it for the defense of her head it gave. Honestly, how can people like... Odin, go with having this sort of heavy metal thing on their skull twenty-four-seven? She strapped on the Berserker armor and slid her feet into the Steel Toed Boots.

Right. Ready to start the day! The irony of the phrase always made her laugh. Purity stood in front of the door to unlock it but paused when the stupid idle remembrance of her routine caught her.

No Purity. I'm trying to move on from that. But then she felt guilty.

She sighed and looked back at the one picture in her room.

"Hey, Valor. I'm going out, and I'll keep an eye out for you, okay?" It was a desperate attempt to bring back her missing friend. As stupid as it was, it kept Purity's hope of finding him ignited just a little longer.

"I'll find you... I promised and I'll keep promising. Until then... hang tight, okay?" the drawing of the little white-blonde girl and the auburn-haired boy playing in red- and whitebells gave no reply.

Why do I keep trying... Valor's been missing since I was eleven. I've gone everywhere possible in Reveria that is accessible and safe. He's not here! In this land! He's dead, and you know it Purity... Why can't I get that through my stupid head?!

Purity nearly slapped herself in frustration. "Maybe it's the helm..." she laughed at her own comment.

Wow. I really am a disappointing being, talking to myself all the time. Travelling the world alone with no one to accompany me when I might need it... I really need to actually go.

Purity sighed once more and finished unlocking the door and stepped outside into the ever-cool orangy darkness of the Castele plaza.

"Umm... excuse me miss..."

A young Alchemist in the Novice attire approached Purity. The Wanderer blinked and turned to the evidently nervous boy. He kept his head down and was trying not to make eye contact, but at the same time was.

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